Sunday it was going to be hot and thats not a false statement. So Murphy and I took a drive up to Smith Creek area. I wasn't sure what exactly we were going to do. We had three things on the list get firewood, pick huckleberries, or just do nothing except injoy the day.
I have always admire the little rock like waterfull off of Union Creek. But above that we got a little bit of larch rounds for the winter stove.
I can recall the day when we worked a lot harder. We're not quite as bad but almost like we won't cut wood if half past three and some sign is in certain postion we won't cut fire wood. We're almost like that
So aftrer wood gather we went up toward cow creek and beaver creek. Well I found a fine looking Yule tree but I know it would bef impossible to have but cause way to much snow.
So we found a place and just to watch the water go. One can't denie the beauty and had a little quilty time with my hubby.
We got home waited tell it to cool down and place the larch rounds in barn. The rick of wood is above my head and we add more rounds to rick. Majorty of wood was very small in diameter. But I can feel the pain in my shoulder.
Now my home fell behind and Confession time...I wonder if I should of went. My home is so bad and I'm so wipe out this week form work I feel trap in house work. I tell you have no desire to advance in becoming any type of nurse.
You'd think a trip like that would rejuvenate you instead of making you feel stifled. Maybe the wrong kind of nursing?