Monday, May 31, 2010

Good Day

It amazing how one mood changes. Just like the wind bringing in or taking out. It seem some days I have more difficult with time with my mood swings I'm right down a bitch and I real can't stand my self. But to day I had a good day. I do believe it the change of life. You know when us women stop having period. I don't think I'll miss those days

My friend Quenella and us (Murphy and I) went Gardenia center for there Sunday Service. I won't go into much detail about the service. In a nut shell it was on how we see our self. Both in flesh and spirtiual being. I don't need or want to push my believe or judge any one peroid

On the way home we stop in at Yokes and Wal Mart. The only store we have here is Safeway and I refuse to let them have complete control of where I shop.
Anyhow they make crappy doughnuts at bakery. There prices are total outrages.
So I got some cantloupe from Yokes at .68¢ a pound I think or was it less.
Let me retrack Safeway isn't real the only store in town there a little store up North from Sharrons where I get my staples from like floor I got just over a 10 lbs of floor for $6.14 and I paid right around $5.00 for 5 pounds of floor

Well my friend is putting up a private barer between the neighbors and her self. There on top of the hill and they can pretty much look down into her home.
I suggest maybe she could grow some calamities on it. I notice her little veggie garden is head of mine. She gave us some spinach and I made a green salad for dinner using the spinish she gave us. Plus she gave us some endive to plant

One thing Quenella and I came to conclusion on starting flower beds it better to start on the small size. Unless one has plenty of time and money to fill the spaces up.
My yellow Iris are coming along nicely and the quack grass to
Qunella liked my yellow Iris so I'll dig her some later on in the year..

I don't know if I told you about we trying to grow artichokes this year.

Only two flowers are blooming now in the hodgepodge flower bed. A Medium size deep dark purple Iris and a purple/white irises

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Today Is Friday, January 17, 2025: This Is What Happened.

I finished another set of artist trading cards. I did a set of fish, with one that isn't a fish. Soon, I will post them on ARTIST TRADIN...