Friday, February 05, 2010

Up, Downs, and All Around the Huckleberry Bush

I mightiest well catch you up on the going on. I feel like my brain isn’t firing on all cylinders recently.
First thing I haven’t got a computer yet but I know I need to get one. I strongly am looking at getting one though Costco. This is one I’m considering getting ZT But also Wal Mart has an e machine down in Sandpoint Idaho.

Now we’re a little pass the half way mark to Spring. One order of seeds came in and still one more to come. It doesn’t look like we will be doing any gardening soon it’s snowing at this moment.
On ground hog day I notice there was a few bulbs just peaking though the dirt. But Notice no other changes among the plants.
One day on a walk I heard what I believe is starlings making chatter.

At this time there having a reading and discussion time for the month of February the book we are reading is “To Kill a Mocking Bird”

Now for the economic news it so, better then some.
I’m still doing home care same amount. But when it comes to Murphy he had to open a new claim at the beginning of the New Year. He was drawing on extension at $270 a week. The new claim he open is at $127 a week. So are income went down $580 a month.


  1. I love "To Kill a Mocking Bird".

  2. Gosh, that cut in income is hard :( sorry - glad you're still getting some work!!
    To Kill a Mocking Bird is a good book! It was so nice & sunny on the weekend here, but raining now - I'd like it to dry out a bit so I can get the peas in! It sounds like we've got low snow pack, which means less water in the summer.
    Sippin' tea

  3. incomes are down all round it seems. hope you're going to manage ok.


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