Thursday, November 05, 2009

Please Take Off Your Blinders

Last few times with my client I been stepping out of the box to help them. It really gets to me how narrow minded some people or have blinders on.

I can see how much therapeutic a pet is for elderly and disable.
My client Donna has this wonderful pet called Rex.
On my job description I’m only there to help my client. Fact time..Pets are very an important part of these client life’s and lot of time these people can’t total do everything for the pets
The main thing I do for her and Rex is take him for a walk, simply because she can’t.
Plus I do other smaller project for her and Rex.

Rex is aging and is getting stiff in the hind quarters . But I have seen a lot worst cases so she got some Rx from the vet.
As far as I know there isn’t a program to help low income people with there pet care. No I don’t think they should get a 100% care for there pets. But a discount and or vouchers

Now my other client Murphette is trying to get into low income apartment and she is having trouble.
They say it her credit but they won’t say what exactly the problem with her credit is.
I know one of her possibility problem is on some type of loan when her credit report came back it show that she didn’t make any payment and the bank had to write it off.
I saw the statement and seen she has been making the payments.
So I suggest she get hold of this bank and have them write out a letter saying that the payments have been received.
I also got her the phone # for legal aid.
Then I wrote her a letter and it goes like this.

Twice my friend Murphette applied for a low-income apartment in Bonners Ferry Idaho.
The apartment she applied was at Jenni Lane located at 6762 Wilson, Bonners Ferry Id 83805.
And she has been rejected both times, due to her credit but they won’t advise her exactly as to the problem with her credit.

The residential manger of the Jenni Lane apartment been a resident of our community for well over 20 years and was kind enough to help her fill out her second application.
Showing her what she needed to do by under line on her bank statement each of her payments to her credit cards.
Also he knew her personally and wrote a personal letter that he felt this would be a suitable resident.
I feel his effort had no or little effect on those who they choose to be at the Jenni Lane apartment complex.
My question why doesn’t the residential manger have any influence whom can and can’t be in the Jenni Lane.
Since he lived in this local area for well of 20 years.

I understand why landlords need to be careful whom they rent to.
Ms M is diligent with her low income of her disability check and has paid off her credit cards and the remaining ones are being paid on, and some months more then the required amounts.
Ms M doesn’t have any out standing debt that hasn’t been turn over to a collection agency or has any leans against her.
I strongly feel that she can make her rent each and every month.

One need not to look at the credit score and what one owes but if they’re faithful on getting out there payments.
Simple these people who apply at the Jenni Lane Apartment are low income and may not have top credit scores.
Those who decided who can and can’t get a low-income apartment needs to look at the bigger picture of each application they receive.

I also do personal care (homecare) for Ms M and at this time I believe a different living resident who greatly benefit her health both mental and physical.
Simply, at this time her housing is inadequate.

Sometime if only they would think a person as a individual not to clump everyone into some type of group.
People would be far more happy and healthy.
Plus give the tax payer more bang for there buck

I’ve never done this but I though I would give it a whirl and do “Thankful Thursday”
1. I’m thankful that my hubby does the housework as I’m out working.
2. I’m thankful we got in all of our firewood.
3. I’m thankful I could help Donna with her vet bill
4. I’m thankful I got chance to vote for our local fire commissioners
5. I’m thankful when I come home from work I get a friendly greeting from my pets and hubby.
6. I’m thankful that our income is high enough that we don’t qualify for energy
7. I’m thankful for the rain we got in October so now the ground got a good soaking.
8. I’m thankful that we had an extra set of 4 tires in the shed/barn for the pickup.
9. I’m thankful that I got the shelves clean in the hallway closet and gave some stuff to local thrift stores.

10. I’m thankful Murphy came up with and ideal for a buffet table for the dinning room.

One can head over to our host of Thankful Thursday and her name is Grace

Since I told you about the buffet table. Well it actual a dresser my parents had when I was younger.
No it doesn’t have swing doors but recently I saw a few people put there dishes in drawer and it worked great for them.
So I’ll also have room for things such as tablecloths.


  1. I enjoyed your thankful list, thanks for sharing.

  2. That was a wonderful letter you wrote for her. She need to reply to the credit agency to object to the loan is being paid. So they will take it off her credit.
    I enjoyed your thankful list too. It helps so much to list things like this.
    Have a wonderful week.

  3. I enjoyed reading your thankful list. Thank you for visiting my blog. Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. You are really doing alot to help out....I always like doing in home care as well.

    Great thankful thursday list

    Happy Friday

  5. Yes there is alot to be thankful for. In these times it is the simple things that mean so much!

  6. Dora,

    What a great thankful list. We all need to count our blessings.

    I can understand the problems your clients are having. People in our area who are disabled have the same problems. No matter that they worked all of their lives and then something happened to cause them to be disabled...they are treated differently.

    Hoping your client's problems are solved soon.



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