Thursday, October 08, 2009

Sky Watch (Can't see the Mt)

Sky Watch Friday I haven’t done in ages. So long I can’t remember

Your looking at Eastern sky. I took a picture from our back yard looking above Black Mountain.
Which has had snow since the 1st of October.
But we went up in the mountain up Myrtle Creek and got a load of firewood. The other side of the Kootenai valley.
Well to my amazement the snow was quite high in elevation and real wasn’t that much on the west side.
I real don’t know how much snow is up on Black Mountain.
But I have to say it was cold getting the firewood


  1. keep warm!

    happy weekend! come and visit my place if you have the time!


  2. you just gave me an idea. it could be my next project, a professional camera to take beautiful pictures... why not!

    thanks peppy dear.

  3. Beautiful sky view.It seem we are going right to winter again. It has been raining so much I have not even looked at the sky. Thank you for you kind words of friendship. I am grateful to have met you too.

  4. ....and that's why I live in the deep south. LOL

    [I had too much snow when I was raising my kids and driving to, I want HEAT and sunshine.]

    But....oh collecting firewood sounds like a lot of fun tho.

  5. A nice warm fire sounds nice right now. Thanks for sharing your skies.

  6. Your sky is very nice.

  7. I love the picture of just grayness. Clouds have been hiding our mountain to the east for the last two weeks as well... I miss the view!

  8. Looks like our skies have of late, overcast but no rain.

  9. I think I see a face in that cloud.
    One thing about getting firewood, you get warm three times.

  10. Indeed, just the thick clouds. Nice cloudy sky photo.

    Have a great weekend!
    My post is here Cbanga360

  11. Where is the mountain?
    Hidden behind thick cloud-veil—
    swirling mysteries.

    My Sky

  12. Anonymous10:35 AM

    My monitor isn't the best so I must have missed the mountain part.

    Brookville Daily Photo

  13. ... and this is why I live in Southern California near the beach. Your photo reminds me of a Christmas I spent near Mt. Shasta where the mountain appeared and disappeared often ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,
    My Sky Watch


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