Saturday, October 03, 2009

Putting The Haverst Up

Life has been focus on one path recently. Putting up food.
Before I post the food we have done.
I think a lot of people been working on preserving food for the up coming year.
Today I had a biofeed back treatment.
I was talking to my biofeed consular. She was saying that her husband is still laid off from the mill.
Which he has been there for over 20 years.
But anyone is laid off more then 4 months and when they have hire back one loose their seniority.
The mill is almost positive it wouldn’t open this winter. Actual it doesn’t look good either this spring.

We got our squash harvest in and it only seem like the pumpkin, a gourd. And the spaghetti squash did anything.
I bough a “dumpling squash” the other day.
I might just give my local grand nieces and nephew the pumpkins on Murphy side so they can carve jack ‘o” lanterns

The other day Murphy went and drove Quenella around. They found an pair orchard over on the Northside toward the river.

Sense I got your attention. Quenella been having a real hard time getting a running vehicle going.
Well at first they had a Toyota that they got from their daughter estate. They drove it and the engine is pretty well toast.
Some nice guy gave her a datsun pick up a 1968 model. Statement time…I was 8 years old then
The brake and clutch just went out and for the parts it would be over 200 hundred dollars. A money pit she believes.
Winter is coming on and she still doesn’t have a rig to drive.
She made us an offer that one of us come out once a week and get her. Murphy will be drawing unemployment.
I look at it will help either one to put gas in our rigs.

Living in North Idaho and we have such a short growing season. So we had to pick the tomatoes. We been sorting and canning up tomatoes

So I made 3 pies two was a nectarine pie and the other a green tomato pie.
The one on the left is the nectarine pie and the other is a green tomato pie.
When I was young a lady made me a green tomato pie. I thought it was apple pie. This is my first attempted making a green tomato pie. I have to say it didn’t taste bad but I believed her was better.

Mom's Green Tomato Pie
3 1/2 c. peeled and sliced green tomatoes
3 tbsp. butter or margarine
6 tbsp. lemon juice
1 1/4 c. sugar
3 tbsp. flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1/4 tsp. cloves

Saute the tomatoes in the butter and lemon juice until just tender. Combine tomatoes with sugar, flour, salt and spices. Line 9" pie pan with pastry, pour in filling, dot with butter and cover with top crust. Bake at 450 degrees 10 minutes then reduce to 350 degrees and bake until crust is brown (about 35-40 minutes).

With plenty of tomato we put up 10 pints of celery and tomato mix. I even took a bag of tomato and gave it to the local food bank.
The other day I was there to drop off a box of food and there were plenty of zucchinis by the door


  1. Just letting you know I'm still lurking..

    Happy new week

    Lots of love,

  2. Oh man! all that food looks absolutly delish!
    I am green with envy!

    Thanks for posting on my moon blog, It is interesting that hunting season usually opens on a full moon! cool beans lol!

  3. Wow, You had a good harvest. I never heard of a tomato pie. My mom was not a cook. As I saw a strawberry pie a few years ago. But I have never tasted one either. Happy canning.


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...