Saturday, August 29, 2009

Not As Hot

One thing I do on my job is take Donna dog Rex for a walk. It seems quite a few people take there dogs down to the local ballpark.
But off to the East I notice how unusually the sky looked but I have to say it has it own beauty that I find powerful.

Yesterday it was to get super hot possibly breaking records I was thinking something above 95 (35) it got up to only 90 (32.2) still plenty warm.
So we head up Snow Creek toward Roman Nose lake to get some huckleberries which they where small but very tasty.
One thing also they where sticky and stuck to everything. Opinion time…I believe this batch of huckleberries would make great wine

So the rest of afternoon we went a sat by two creek one was Myrtle and the other Gem Creek. I actual like to watch the spring run off not much water was coming off the mountain and down the creek

Myrtle Creek this is the creek that the people of city of Bonners Ferry get there drinking water.

We spend most of our time around Gem Creek. It seem like the breezes was doing battle with each other one moment there was a warm breeze and then a cool breeze.

I guess one can’t judge a book by the cover. I always thought Devil club would be some deadly plant but it related to the American ginseng
But with the stick’s thorns of devil club I real don’t want to deal with them. Once you get them in your skin. Try digging one out and it just keep breaking off.

But I have to say the devil club is sure a pretty plant with bright red berries. Even they have beautiful flower blooms on them

I always thought these little yellow flower that grows out in wild. I call these little yellow flowers “buttercups”. Does anyone know what these flowers are?


  1. Looks like a beautiful trip..

    Hoep all is well
    Love, Jess

  2. Devil club is something I never herd of. But ginseng is. My Father and most every one hunts for it this time of year. I brings a good price in WV. I have seen the plant. But it is a guy thing and was not invited on there hunting trips.


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...