Saturday, May 02, 2009

Photo Hunt (walking)

On Saturday I find it a good challenge in Photo Hunt and this week hunt is Walking and next week hunt will be “memory”

Walking is great exercise for the mind, body, and spirit. I wouldn’t want to go on any long hike up in the mountain.
Walking for short distant in these sandals isn’t hard on the footsie.
I got these sandals at one of our local thrift stores

Yesterday my friend Quenelle went out an about to a few rummage sales and yard sale. It sure looks like yard sale in full swing.

The first yard sale we stop at was the Trinity Lutheran Church There sale is done by donations.

Yes, that’s me my pj’s. shshsh I sure hope none of the neighbors was looking. I’m so glad that we don’t live on top of each other’s.
These PJ’s are sure comfortable.
The dog in picture is Daisy and the cat is Ziggy

One of the main reasons I go to sale at the rummage sale at the Lutheran church is for the plants

Both Qunelle and I got plants. I got some pholox, ladies mantels and columbines.
That evening I planted them in my hodgepodge flowerbed. Not sure what color anything is.
More and more of my grape hyacinth are real in bloom now. I notice in my patriotic flowerbed I have a yellow daffodil in bloom, It one of those lacey ones. But it doesn’t belong there so I’ll have to move it

Then we headed to the rummage sale at Eagles and Quenelle got a end table that when guess comes she will have a place to serve tea or coffee. It cost her $5.00

I found this bath set for $2.00 and I’ll be adding it to my winter box which is part of my holiday give away for my family and friend


  1. Hi Peppy :-)
    How fun to have a yellow bloom in the patriotic garden.(All colors belong in that garden) lol Also fun to have a hodge podge garden. Not knowing what will come up would be interesting.
    Thanks for the coffee....I like it in my pj's too.

  2. What wonderful finds! I love to get plats at sales to. Have a great weekend.


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...