Sunday, May 17, 2009

It May Not Look Like Much Now

Sometime my brain has a big fart needing let go. I kept meaning to post about the hummingbird feeder. I kept forgetting.
The other day we hung the hummingbird feeder out.
They have been real going though the juice and dive-bombing each other.

Murphy and I planted more in garden. Buy the picture it looks like plot of dirt.
We got in kohlrabi, beets, celery, parsnips, chard, and two types of carrots.
My friend Faith gave me two bok-choy plants and put them in.
The onion we transplanted didn’t do all that good so we put in some tomato plants.
I noticed that the kale is up and doing great.
Saw one red potato breaking though the soil.

Start some more seeds two types of cucumbers. For squash we did pumpkin and spaghetti squash in seeds.
Started some seeds of Luffa and birdhouse which are gourds

Finish planting my royal sunshine flowerbed I think. Put in gladiolus and dahlias.

I stop in at B.T.C and got two herbs to transplant. Thyme and some parsley the curl tops.
Murphy added a short roll of cilantro to veggie garden. I would of put it in container. But it’s not worth fighting about.
So this year I got in 6 different herbs in and I’m sure that’s going to be it


  1. Nice pictures. Today up at the lake we watched the hummingbirds and the swallows fight over the birdhouses. Your garden looks great. I need to get busy. Since I am on vacation this week that is one of my projects on the list of many.

    Have a nice evening.

  2. I have brain farts too. Forget to post about something until finally..... or it's just too late. Haven't posted about the full moon for about a year now. Always meant to.

    Love your flowers. Can't wait to see your veggies come up.

  3. My Aunt gave me a hummingbird feeder for Christmas last year and I keep forgetting I have it..I need to make up the juice and hang it out.
    Your garden looks nice. The dirt their is little bit of a different color than what we have around here. Wish I had room for plants and flowers.

  4. Anonymous7:54 PM

    my siblings and i tried planting tomatoes in our front yard when we were kids. i enjoyed seeing it come through the soil and bearing fruits. the most fun part was harvesting and eating them.

  5. whoohoo!! things growing, fabulous!!
    reading your post on paying bills, mine are mostly 'catch up' too, and then there'll be something else.....


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