Friday, April 10, 2009

All Work and No Play Makes Me Dull

Let me tell you work is getting to me. I was terrible beat from work. I went to work almost noon and I’m a morning person.
I was going to sleep in and that surely didn’t work out. Woke up around 4 in the morning and I was ready to go.
Well I did mange to get back to sleep until little after six but I couldn’t get back to sleep.

So once I got home from work Murphy had hotdogs and mac n cheese for me. Watch little bit of news.
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I decided to waste time my brain surely isn’t in gear so I thought I would play sweet tooth over at pogo.
All I though I was downing some beers. Her fridge is full of stuff and for some reason she thought I was a miracle worker and I could fit more and more stuff in there.
Some how I did but it was giving me great desire to pull out my hair anther words I was having major anxiety attacks.
Well I did it but don’t ask me how I did it

Now it is Friday and most people would say “Thanks God it Friday” I don’ think I would go that far.
There were a whole lot of dishes for me to do. I just looked at them with great dislike toward that dishes but I know some time in life you need to do what is necessary to accomplish a task.
Honest time…If it wasn’t for health reason I believe it would bother me eat off dirty dishes.
If money real wasn’t a factor I would eat and toss the dishes away

There done and I’ve done more then those nasty dishes

My craft project been on much slower note since Murphy went back to work all though I have had a few moment here and there.

As many of you know I was part of book group. Well we will be reading a new book called Wreak This Journal
For more info on this up coming book click here

Now for a little beauty Rex and I was walking West of the three mile and there was Burton Peak.

1 comment:

  1. I agree - we certainly need some play time every day!! Lovely pic at the end of your post. Happy Easter!


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This morning, I meant Qunella at Under the Sun. Their plain black coffee is under $2.00 a cup, and you can get all the refills you want or n...