Saturday, March 14, 2009

Pac Rat Sale

Yesterday my friend Quenella and I went to the Pack Rat sale at our local fair grounds. She got two antique serving bowls that she will be using for her wedding catering business. I believe they were a dollar apiece and if she got anything else there I don’t recall.

I found one more item for my box that I’ll be doing for Christmas Announcement time…The Christmas Box will be official called the Winter Box
I found some jell booties to put in the winter box that I paid $2.00 and I also picked up this lace stocking which I’ll use for my Christmas stocking for myself.

Then we went over to the thrift store the first one we stop in was the community thrift store. I didn’t find anything but Quenelle got a few things.
Then less then little ways is the thrift store for the animal shelter one. I believe Quenelle got a floral skirt and maybe a few other items.

Well I found this towel with roses and I had my friend Donna in mind. When I get items for the winter box I do have people in mind.
But I have no control over whom getting what.
I got this for .99¢

Murphy and I in the afternoon had to do some errands one of errand we had to do is return some legal documents to his sister Faith.
As we across the Kooteni River I saw a sign for a moving sale.
I ask Faith about it and she went to in the morning and got some lawn chairs and some other nice sounding stuff.
So Murphy and I went over and checked it out and not much left


  1. I need to go to that sale and sell all my pacrat stuff. This weekend I am going to cleensweep at least one room if not 2 or 3.

    Have a great weekend. Sure wish we had some sun to enjoy.

  2. You got some good finds! Those sales are fun.


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This morning, I meant Qunella at Under the Sun. Their plain black coffee is under $2.00 a cup, and you can get all the refills you want or n...