Thursday, February 12, 2009

In One Year I'll Be 50 Years Old

In a year from today I will be 50 years old. Once a month on the 12th I would share some things from my past.
A mini count down to my 50th birthday the next posting will be March 12th

Abraham Lincoln

Charles Darwin

Omar Bradley.

All of these well known and or famous people they share the same birthday as I do


  1. Well here's wishing you a very early happy birthday...seems like you are in good company....

  2. Just stopping in early to say Happy Birthdy...I hope you have a wonderful day!

  3. Happy birthday! sorry I did not get here before it was over. Hope your day was wonderful. You are only 4 months older than me.

  4. That is a great post, followed your link from the 12 secrets group and really enjoyed the visit. Have fun counting down to your birthday.

  5. Peppylady,

    I did know that Abraham Lincoln's and Darwin's birthday was on the 12th, but didn't know about Bradley's. You have some good company there.

    Happy birthday, my friend. I hope you have a wonderful day and a year filled with abundant blessings.


  6. happy belated birthday!

    Here are some more people for the February 12th birthday list:
    my cyberfriends Daisy and Lousette
    my friend Sabine
    my son Matías
    myself :D


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