Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sky Watch Out ( Behind the Forrest Service )

It time for Sky Watch Friday

As part of my job I walk Rex plus it gives me exercise. Plus there been a lot of geese out in these fields because the combines went out a harvest plus there been droppings of different grains so the geese get to have feast until they burn off the stubbles.
So I got lucky and got a picture of some Canadian Geese flying over.
There was a hawk sitting on power line pole tried to get a picture of it but it just wouldn’t play nice

When I was young I recall laying on the lawn looking up at clouds and thought I was looking at heaven and hoping to see someone sitting on clouds.
These clouds sure don’t look like the type of clouds one would set on.
Then I got older and didn’t look up as much but since I start being part of sky watch now I look more at clouds

Just some reminders…there a survey on the side of my blog. And on the 25th of this month it will be my “In the know” and the question for the in the know is. What is fall/Mabon like in your area

For those in the southern Hemispheres can do it on Spring


  1. Very wispy clouds.

  2. I like flying geese. I like to hear them honk and fly in a pattern. Nice sky photo.

  3. Yep - skywatch does that! Creating people who look up! (By the way - Skywatch isn't a club at all. It's open - wide open for everyone!)
    Very nice clouds that you're showing!
    Cheers, Klaus

  4. I liked this picture a lot. I also liked your question. It was thought provoking!

  5. I used to think that God lived in the really big puffy clouds :)

  6. Great shot of the geese!

  7. Lovely cloud photos and the geese are a real bonus.

  8. I often lie on my back under a tree in my garden, looking up at the sky. Sometimes I climb the tree too. The neighbours might think I'm potty, but I don't care!

  9. Love the geese! Terrific sky watch!


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