Today Murphy and I took our friends Earl and Quenella up on Deer Creek and Placer creek to gather some rocks.
I didn’t know if Earl could handle it or not because he rack of bones, and injured his back ages ago doing heavy road construction and he seem to be short of breathe.
Not saying I’m in the best of shape either but I’m working on it.
We both did real well in our rock gathering but it seems like we never get anytime to do any projects done around here.
It work, pay the bill and take care of the place to survive.
Statement time…There more to life then this isn’t there
Well last weekend Murphy and I went out picking huckleberries and it was just to much for us with work and all.
So we decided that one day out in mountains was what we felt comfortable at but we weren’t going to push our self.
So yesterday we did the house and even today it’s a little bit out of order but I’m not falling part over it
It all start good with a great breakfast. I had two stripes of bacon, two rolls, and two eggs over easy cooked in bacon grease.
Sounds like you had a good Makes me hungry now.. I had blue berry granola for breakfast and it's wearing off. It's almost my lunch now.. Have a great coming week ahead...