Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Can't Recall It All

It been hot here in North Idaho. Now I’m trying to figure what kind of news I can share with my reader.

I work 3 straight days and time I get off of work it so blasted hot When I get home I real don’t feel like doing anything.
Donna my client isn’t filling well she injured her groin area plus her knees are giving her a lot of pain.
Plus she says she has a roaming pain her heart area.
She been diagnose with problems with her pericardium (heart sack)
A few times I thought she should went to the hospital or calling in a profession relating to the problem.
But she worries a lot about her dog Rex. I’ll give her a call a little later on and offers if she needs to go into the hospital I’ll bring rex out here and he can stay with us.

Well I been doing my push up I did 6 this morning. I also start back doing Fit day and to be quite frank I don’t know how much or what I eat.
Hopeful in short time of it I can see how I’m eating and what calorie I’m burning.
If any one at any time want to check out Fit day journal it helps me keep track of I’m getting enough nutrition, calorie and form which fats.
Plus it gives me an ideal of the calories I’m burning

Nothing much going on with the boys. I haven’t heard from Sawyer. This weekend should be my hubby side family reunion.
But no one has notified us about bringing anything. So a little later on I might call up Faith and see what’s going on.
One thing drove me about my hubby side they aren’t real planners.
My father in law did everything at drop of the hat.
Sometime the only thing on can do is go with the follow.
I still like planning.
Bart and I were talking about cartoons today and he said that I grew up with all the neat cartoon.

There one cartoon my boys used to watch on fox and I keep hearing the tune in my head and I can’t recall one of the creatures in it but I don’t recalled.
“Crap I just remembered it… Pinky and the brain

Well let say my side is fairly narrow minded.
I try different and new foods and one of my cousin called an avocado hippie food. They thinking Islam beats their wife and out to kill every religion except there own.
I seen some pretty radical christen and believe me most of my family isn’t a radical christens.
This is last thing that some of my relatives’ thinks that people who smokes marijuana are lazy and doing crimes.
Some time I’ll let you know more about some ideals my relatives has

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