Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Upcoming Summer Party

I wasn’t sure what I want to blog about today. The last two blog I been on a warpath with the world.
This morning I did my morning magick or some may say prayers.
I ask Father Sky and Mother Earth to look over those who lost there home to a fire.
I also ask them to comfort the person who lost their child in a drowning accident.
Plus I real didn’t like my inward attitude so ask for peace in my heart. Filling much better.
Then I just sat a few minute in silent to clear my self of thought.
As always I ended it with “I’m at peace, I love, and the world is good”

Well I clean my bathrooms up today and clean out the fridge. We’re hosting a small party for Lithia celebration.
We invited our friends Earl and Quenella of Katka area.
I also sent an invitition to Murphette and Steve but the invitation came back which I’m sort of glad.
After I talk to Quenella she told me that they can’t afford gas and I though of offering them gas.
Plus when I sent out invitation to a couple I’m including the whole family. Honest time…I don’t recall there two girls name

I just notice it was June 18th and it would have been my Dad and Mom 55 anniversary

I went to Sandpoint to get a few items plus get my prescriptions and before I did that I went over to City Beach on lake Pend Oreille and on the walk way I saw this sign and it says ”May peace prevail on earth” I know one of the

service at the gardenia center out back in there little outdoor sitting park they put one of these sign up.

I drove over and took a quick picture of the Gardenia, which I call there little Sitting Park out back..
I haven’t been to Sunday Service for a while. I’m hoping that Murphy and I could go to one on the 29th of June.
Quenella and I are going sometime in July. If Murphette shows up party I’ll ask her if she would like to go to a service with us

Then I head of to wal-mart to get a few items. One items I got was this

Lunch sack. I’m trying to be more environmentally friendly to the earth. Confession time…when I go to work I use plastic bags which I’m trying to get a way from.
I have a bag that I take to the store when I buy my goods.
confession time…resently I been forgetting it I like to pick up a few more.


  1. There is something similar, if not exact, in a "Peace Garden" here in Chicago. It's attributed here, to John Lennon. If I travel nearby, I'll get a picture.

  2. sometimes, it is good to just sit and repeat 'I am at peace'... have a wonderful Midsummer.. I am celebrating winter solstice tomorrow


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Today Is Thursday, January 30, 2024: This Is What Happened.

 Not much post. No photos. Around three in morning I keep waking up and my brain is full of thoughts. I keep thinking of great plans. Time t...