Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Tackle It Tuesday. (Printer Fixed)

I couldn’t quite finish out this project. My printer wasn’t printing right in black ink. I took a long shot and clean it all up to parts out and clean them off with paper towels and q-tips and now it working.
But I need to order some ink for my printer but my credit card is max out Confession time..I have a penny left of credit on it
I hope to send a good amount the first part of next week although I know I want get it all paid off.

To be part or check out Tackle it Tuesday please click here


  1. I wish printer ink wasn't so expensive!

  2. Way to go on fixing the printer! We are tackling the basement (ugh!). This week we tackled one corner "room" of it.

  3. Great job on cleaning the printer! I'm always afraid of making it worse.

    I'm tackling my bank statements this week. Wish me luck! sewingmom.com

  4. Great job on cleaning the printer! I'm always afraid of making it worse.

    I'm tackling my bank statements this week. Wish me luck! sewingmom.com

  5. It's always a good feeling when you can get the printer working again:-) I've had problems with mine but now it seems to be ok so we'll see how long it lasts! What gets to me, though, is that most times the ink is more expensive than a brand new printer! I've been having a very lazy week and except for doing my housework and laundry, I've just taken it easy...it always takes me a while to get my full energy back after the holidays! xox

  6. Hey Peppylady. I'm having computer fun here too. Thanks for dropping by and commenting. Be well.


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