Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Head or Tail (Sence) + Tackle It Tuesday

Today heads or tail is about the 5 sense I took the sense of taste. Which I didn’t know that much about and also had some fun too with taste

Let start out with a quiz!!! To see what your knowledge on the tongue is.
Start here I only got a 40%.

The taste bud test

Sour powerMost likely to be: a dentist or vet While everyone else is bitching about someone behind her back, you refuse to join in - even if it means risking your own popularity. Sour tastes aren't immediately pleasant, which shows you're very loyal. You avoid confrontation and will carry your mates with you for life.
Take this quiz!

Quizilla |

I found this little quiz from york shire and click on Play and try the quiz. I did awful on this one.

Now for a few Trivia facts on taste buds

Click here to learn more about taste buds

It about time I talk about my taste buds. I don’t know their weird or what. I don’t like sugar in my coffee to me it makes it bitter, hot tea I can take either way depending on my mood, chocolate cover cherries I find sickening sweet, lima bean to me have dry texture to them, and a lot of foods are to salty.

tongue and taste buds


To be part of heads or tails or even visit others please click here

I’ve been doing small projects around the place which takes me 30 minutes or less to do.
My gift-wrapping section be unorganized for ages and I though it was time to tackle it.
So before I our wrapping paper been in this

cardboard box which is on floor and every or lot of it would get smashed up

So I went into wal-mart and got this tote to put all of my wrapping stuff in and Murphy thought I was buying a trash can. He liked the upper lid thinging

Confession time…I eventual like to make this room into an craft/office space the wrapping stuff will be moved but not sure were

To visit or read other blogger projects they tackle it please click here


  1. Big accomplishment, if you ask me (especially since my 4-year old has been nagging me with, "Daddy, you're office is a mess.")


    If you are interested in a photo challenge, please join me at http://www.mikeleonen.com/
    Appreciate a visit even if you are not, though.

  2. I need to get more organized and doing small projects sounds like a great idea - love the wrapping paper tote, have to put one of those on my list of things to get - it would really help.

    I did get big plastic clear tubs for all the yarn I got so at least my crocheting projects will be organized.

  3. That looks really nice! I got myself one of those wrapping paper storage containers too. They come in handy.


  4. Hi! Thank you for stopping by to wishe me a happy birthday :)


  5. I took the test and guessed my way all the way through it and still ended up with a score of 70. :)


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...