I was going to get this up earlier but sometime I’m late. I live in a very small area and we don’t have a lot of the well-known charities in our local area.
Toys for Tots is a well-known charity in our area.
This year we didn’t have the Salvation army kettles
We have a thing called “Wishing Tree” it somewhat like the Tree of Sharing in Spokane.
Our tree was located at Larson store in down town Bonners Ferry and tree has a tag on it pick a tag and fill it.
I picked a 4 year girl.
First I want to say I’m sorry that the picture are blurry and I’ve taken to Larson so they will be able to delivery them.

I picked up a few piece of clothing a red and pink turtle neck top. A black Hoodie, Then also in clothes line I got a pair of gloves with a stocking cap.
I didn’t get my client Patty or her dog Rex any thing but I took the money of what I would of spent on her and bought the gloves and cap for the girl.
Then I picked up two games Chutes and Ladders. My boys had this game when they were young.
I also got a memory game. I’m real bad at playing memory.
This girl like anything Scobby doo. I looked on amazon dot com and looked under dvd section for the movie but I couldn’t find it only the T.V series and it was more then I could or willing to spend.
She like horses, so I got her Princess Stallion dvd.
The last toy I got was a set of wooden blocks and I know my boys would built things for hours and I notice little girls will built too.

On Christmas Eve we go over to Murphy sister Faith place and have gift exchange on Christmas Eve.
This year it going to be a little different we’re letting the older teenager be part of the adult give exchange.
Last year we had and teen exchange but there not going to be that many teens this year.
I believe the little kids everyone bought for them.
I tried to have Bart pick out his own present but he couldn’t figure out what to get. Thinking that I knew what to buy or if someone makes a funny face I don’t think anyone is rude enough to make a smart-ass comment.
But still Bart could say something to me for getting that gift.
Oh well “If you think you could do better do it your self’
The Ice Cream Ball looks like a blast.
I made up or should say I need to finish my gift basket for my part of the gift exchange.
Murphy and I went into Larson to get his gift for the exchange and he got two pair of nice wool socks.
We had been down in Courd’Alene area helping his nephew Sam out.
He wished he picked up the gift down there. Wool sock would be two to three dollars cheaper.
But like a man wait till the last minute to get his gift.
He say he hasn’t got mine but I’m not sure if he bluffing or not.
I’m not sure what Sawyer buying for the exchange he moved down with his cousin Sam family and is working at Sears in Courd’Alene
Your post here about charity interested me. I was in the car a lot yesterday and NPR had a lot of end-of-year-giving-to-charity info. How to pick to whom to give to, etc. Your way is nicer and simpler: it is based on compassion and need and not your taxes. Thank you.