Friday, December 14, 2007

Friendly Friday + Friday's Feast

I found a couple of large prize that is being given away over the blog world by the way of 5 minute for mom

You can win a Insignia shelf system but there a few things one most do.
1. Publish a post on your own blog linking back to this giveaway post and also linking to Best Buy
2. Leave a link to 5 minute mom insignia shelf give away Plus don’t forget to comment over at 5 minute with mom

The next item 5 minute for mom is giving away thought their site is giving away a two hundred dollar shopping spree for True jeans. Follow the instruction.
· Publish a post on your own blog linking back to this giveaway post and also linking to True Jeans
Then leave a comment over at 5 minute with mom true jean contest

Amy over at Bunny rose cottage is having a give away for her 100th post by the picture she giving out a nice assortment of great prizes.
Please check my side bar under “Good Things are happening” for fun


You Are Donner

The most loveable and sweet reindeer, you're also a total dork!

Why You're Naughty: You keep (accidentally) tripping the other reindeer while flying.

Why You're Nice: You're always smiling, even if you've fallen flat on your horns.

There a lot of fun activities to do with other blogs is Photo hunt which was thought up by TN Chick I don’t know were she came up with this ideal or how she even picks a theme each and every week.
Every week there is a new theme assign and you try to capture that theme. It gives your creative juices flowing, plus it great way to meet and learn about different parts of the world.
Here some past picture from past photo hunt.

“I love_____”



Last week I didn’t post anyone from my “coffee pals” from my side bar which I enjoy there friendship to know end.

This week special blogger is And miles to before we go to sleepAt this time there in the middle of move but what a blog plenty of good laughs and good things are going on.

Then I try to find a new blog though the coffee pal of who I feature and this week new blog is Pandacurry I think we all should take moment to go over and visit her blog and it on parenting and her little hints can be healthy in any situation

Nature girl is having an about with shingles and could use our thoughts and prayer.
I’d bet she would like a few kind words of love on her blog. Please click here to read about nature girl.

On Saturday the 15th of December Lisa Heart of the nest will celebrate her 54th birthday.
You can also wish her happy birthday at her Café


Make up a word and give us its definition.
Colroter: Someone who doesn’t check out the facts

What is currently your favorite song?
At this time I have to say the Eagles take it “Easy” I just order there greatest hits.

What’s at the top of your Christmas wish list this year?
Standing Jewelry Box

Main Course
Name a scent that reminds you of someone special in your life.
Fir trees

Who is someone on television that you feel probably shouldn’t be, and why?

Anyone who takes care of all of there problem with violent. I believe the main thing violent will bring on violent. I don’t think being a passive and letting someone abuse you is the right answers.

Please visit the Feast To read or play along


  1. I hope you get your jewelry box. Those are very nice to have. Have a great FF and weekend. :)

  2. Hi -

    Thanks for featuring my PhotoHunt/site. =)

  3. I did the reindeer quiz and this is who I am....

    You Are Dancer
    Carefree and fun, you always find reasons to do a happy dance.

    Why You're Naughty: That dark stint you had as Santa's private dancer.

    Why You're Nice: You're friendly. Very friendly.

    LOL I laughed so much at the "Santa's private dancer" part! hehe

    Dear Dora, I've just caught up on all your news. I can't wait until Christmas is over with so that I can get back into my regular blogging routine...just not enough hours in the day right now! lol

    Thank you for all the links, will be checking them all out. Nature Girl was almost recovered from the Shingles but now she's broken her ankle and had surgery on it yesterday...the poor dear has really had a rough time of it lately:-(

    Have a great weekend!! xox

  4. Anonymous8:02 PM

    thank you so much for mentioning me--I am so honored!! Have a wonderful weekend and a great time with those holiday preparations!

  5. Hi there, thanks for visiting my blog and feast earlier. Wow, I was just admiring one of the standing jewelry chests....hope you get your wish!

    I also agree with you on your dessert.


I always felt free to let people comment as they see fit. If you have any desire to leave a comment that is spam or to exploit others.
If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

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