ecided not to do heads or tails or Tackle it Tuesday
I decided to clean the bathrooms and good one word to explain my bathroom is GROSS
Plus there a few things I like to get done before I go into Sandpoint.
I’ll take a breaks and visit some of my coffee pals during the day

Assignment four Indentify the five area most significant times in your life when, before now you felt that you been victimized, mistreated, or some way unfairly dealt with.
Describe these situations with enough detail that you can capture the emotion of each
I don’t know if I can list 5 areas in my life.
I was in grade school and I did pretty well in History and Social Studies and we had a fairly large test and I scored the highest plus we had to list all the state capitals and also I got them all right.
I recall there was some kids said, “The only way I could get that kind of grade that I had to cheat”
I felt so worthless and I was real stupid. Then from that day forth I always missed questions.
I talk about working in my parents berry patch and one summer or I should say part of the summer my mom asked if I would be interested in cleaning the house. I said “yes” and didn’t matter how well I did she always you did a good job “but_____” always something I could never reach her perfection. honest time…My mom would clean the house and leave every kitchen cabinet door open.
I real don’t know how I felt but I can’t stand the statement “but”
This one I can’t just point my finger at just one person but it just burns me in general when people lies and won’t except the truth.
I’ve been a person who been brutally honest to a fault. Statement time…It always bother me when people thought I was lying
As I got older I learn a few lesson about being honest.
1. It not necessary in most case to volunteer your honest opinion
2. When giving an honest opinion it sometime is how you word it. Example if some one ask you how you look in certain item. “That sure looks like shit on you” or I don’t think that has the right look on you”
3. Depends on the question I now ask if they want to hear the truth.
4. If someone get angry because of the truth I’ll reply “If you didn’t want to hear the truth you shouldn’t ask the question”.
This one is going to get right to the point. I don’t believe people in my family helps around the place and I get frustrate
Now for the 2nd part of this assignmentOn each of above statement tell how you may be accountable for each one you did
I should let the kids bother me who told me who told me that I needed to cheat.
Statement time..When one a youngster it’s hard to ignore insult. I actual did give into them and after that I made sure I wouldn’t score on any test in the top 5.
I learn there was a certain point when doing stuff that people will get up set and figure it was easier for them to do it. I have done this to get out of things.
But on the other hand I could do something a never in there eyes reach perfection.
On the honesty I still don’t understand why true honesty is not accepted in our culture. As I listed above I learn some life lesson on honesty.
I know on the last one I don’t like to come across as a griper and one who complains about things. If one don’t speak up how is one to know if this person feeling or want
hate Tackle it Tuesday! This day means I have to get off my butt and actually do something! I have an excuse though, Im on antibiotics and steriods for sinusitis! Oh well come look at what I need to do before Thursday!
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