Today is first day of Autumn and things sure have change around here in many ways.
I’m not sure if it all is good but things do change.
My oldest son Sawyer got a job in Grant Pass Oregon With a company called Grey Beck’s which is logging company and fire company and Sawyer will be on the fire crew.
Honest/confession time…I’m a little up set that Sawyer drop out of college before his first semester and we bought him a lap top.
We has been interested in finances but he not sure exactly how he wants to go about it.
But at this point we want to leave Bonners Ferry area, see he only thinks stupid people lives here.
Confession time…I didn’t think the whole community was stupid just my parents was real dumb and there brain was out dated. So when I hit my early 20’s or so my parents actual got pretty smart
But I think move to anther area will be good for him and I wish him the best of luck a least he living on good term with us.
I hope someday that he will go back to school

My son Sawyer was born today 19 years ago and I like to wish him a happy Birthday and many more.
I wasn’t sure what to get Sawyer for his birthday and he want things that we could use in his new place.
And money is tight as always.
So I went though the pantry and found some odds and ends of things that one may use in their place.
But I a least had to give him something new for his birthday and send him off with. So I want to get him a new hot pad for the kitchen but couldn’t find any.
So I decide to get him new specula.

This late morning we went over to Murphy sister place to cut down a box elder in their back yard.
Before the box elder came down
After the box elder comes down

I’m not sure if I’m ready for the fall season actual sometime in last half of August the weather started to change and leaves are now turning color. One of our larch tree is getting it golden needles.
But this summer it was so blasted hot and I had plans to do all these project and I lived in the basement.
I can wiggle my nose but it doesn’t do much good I would of re due the month of July and only let it get to 95 three days a week and the rest of the week can only get up to 89 degree.
But who know if I could change the weather it could be a lot worst.
So far fall been real pleasant and I’m no hurry to see snow fly
I forgot to mench a give away over at Hidden Haven Homestead I hope I’m not late getting this up
It would seem Sawyer is making the best decision he can right now.
ReplyDeleteThere's this idea that one *must* know what they want to do for the rest of their lives when they are merely 18 years old. I'm 35 and still have no idea what I want to do. Does that make me the minority or the majority? I think the latter. More people I know went to college because their parents made/guilted/expected them to go. All the parents did was waste the time and money of themselves, their kids, and the college.
Sawyer will figure out what he wants to do. Believe me when I say colleges are like grass: they are just everywhere. There is no reason to believe Sawyer won't change his mind in the future. And if he doesn't? Well good for him for being a pioneer! For living his life the way he wants to and not according to rules of American middle-class society.
And happy bday to the lad!
Our son left home before finishing collge too. Now he has found himself, grown up (25 now) has finished college( while working, too) and married a wonderful young woman. I think the cast iron items are great for the young bachelor. We gave him cast iron and he still has it!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to Sawyer!
Yeah. Don't give up on Sawyer yet. I dropped out of college when I was 21. Started back when I was 22. Dropped out when I was 24. Started back when I was 25. Dropped out at 26. Started back at 31. And will finally graduate at 35. I'm 4 classes away! Almost there. In the meantime, I married a great husband and have been raising 2 great kids. Bought a house. Learned all sorts of things, like playing the harp, making candles and quilts.
ReplyDeleteAs James Taylor sings "The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time."
Happy Birthday to Sawyer:-) I know how disappointed you are that he dropped out of college but he can't be forced into doing something he doesn't want to do...maybe later on he'll be more interested in college. He's so young yet, he'll find himself eventually:-) At least he's got a job now so that's good! The very best of luck to him!! xox
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday although it is late... Dora, sometimes you just have to let the kids spread their wings and fly from the nest!