Friday, June 15, 2007

Haven't total Messed It Up

Last night I went to our local chapter of the democrat party. You see they say here voting is low in America and people aren’t involved.
They talk about different fundraiser one will be on the 23rd of June in Post Fall Idaho. I’m thinking of talking to Murphy and going down there.
Just for the social part of it. I’d like to be less of a wall flower and possible meet people more like minded, not saying I agree 100% with the democrat party but my line of thinking sure isn’t with Dubya.
Five buck for barbeque isn’t bad.
But some of the other fundraiser and what they bring we just can’t afford and I’m not willing to give up our money that freely.
Idaho democrat party is selling these t-shirt for $30.00 and my top dollar would have been $12.00.
I guess they had a pie auction somewhere in Idaho and the pie went for about $175 dollars. “To rich for my blood”

I’m trying to put my self on this schedule.
On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. In the morning “Stay off the computer” and do chores around the place.
Go to my client. I was going to do curves about 30 minute before work but now my client wants me to go to curves. Personal that’s great ideal maybe we can inspire each other.
Then in the afternoon come and do the computer because it’s hot outside and the computer is in the basement.
Evening do a quick go though the place.
Tuesday and Thursday is usual two days I have off. On Tuesday go though the house and do a good solid cleaning.
Thursday prep and get things more ready for the ceramic business. I did clean out some molds to pour for this Saturday.
Then basically the weekends will be to do “what ever”

In general for the last two days. I’ve been doing ok but no A+ stuff. The last week and half I’ve been taking walks and increasing the distant but not the rate I go out.
Why is it so hard to change one habits

1 comment:

  1. I think it's great that you are putting yourself out there and attending meetings. I need to do that, as well. I'm all about the Dems ... and all against the current administration. All of them. Good luck with your ventures.


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Today Is Tuesday, January 21, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Yesterday, Murphy and I finished up the dining room wall. We're both a little sore. Well, I've been a lot sore. I think on Thursday,...