Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Larry Grant Bumper Sticker

In the mail I receive my first political bumper sticker. I’ve always voted since I could. But never campaigned for a candidate.
On my time before the last 13 Thursday I listed issues that our important to my family and I don’t see the republican candidate Bill Sali being to much on the issues that I think is important.
I remember watching him on the debates in the primary and his whole focus was pro life and never once talked about once the baby/fetus came unto this world how it will be cared for.
With the national debt the only way I see to get out of it is to raise taxes and curb spending. This man wants to curb spending and pretty well get rid of taxes.
With his ideal on taxes it will leads to third world conditions.
I could go on about Bill Sali. The main reason I won’t vote for him is he doesn’t address issues that effect people who isn’t high on god or who lives in everyday world.

I’m voting for Larry Grant seems to live or know more about the real world.
Yes our debt is way out of control and Dubya and his cronies has no right to eavesdrop on any of us.

What worries me who Bill Sali get his backing from These group are very conservative and scary

Wikipedia links to the congress candidate who will be representing me Bill and Larry


  1. Looks like you've been practicing links.
    Although with Beta, you don't need the html code?

  2. "I listed issues that our important to my family and I don’t see the republican candidate Bill Sali being to much on the issues that I think is important."

    Oh I wish more people would take the time to do what you did... for ANY candidate, whatever party.

    Great blog, btw.


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If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

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