Thursday, September 28, 2006

Bumps in the Way of Life

I thought I had it all plan out on getting anther digital camera.

I only got one small back bill to pay which is my spirit book club. I’m going to pay them off around 1st part of October and order a digital camera around the middle of October

Money is always fairly tight around here. Both of boys is going to our local home coming dance and they had nothing appro rated to wear. Most of the time they wear blue jeans, t-shirt or a sweat shirt.
So I gave them each $40 bucks so they went into wal-mart in Sandpoint to pick up some slacks and dressier shirt to go to the home coming dance.

To a lot of people $80 unexpected is nothing but if some major problem comes along for our family being $80 short can make a differences to us

Well they brought back $17 and some odds change.
I figure your only a teenager once Confession time...Most of the time I real don’t have any desire to live my teen years again
We haven’t had any real problems with our boys

I was playing on google and put in a search for “meme” and found this site called The Daily Meme
It look like some of these meme I might add to my blogg when I feel like it


  1. thankyou for your kind comments, there is a herb here called tansy, it may just be the same as your weed.
    money isn't in excess around here either, Im sure they appreciated getting some extra money to get new clothes.

  2. $80 would damn near kill us.

    And like yourself, there isn't enough money on the planet to entice me back to my teen years. Not a chance.

  3. Ohhh Ohhh I want the pug!
    He/she is so cute..we are getting one for sure, just not sure yet. Might be the first of the year


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Today Is Friday, January 17, 2025: This Is What Happened.

I finished another set of artist trading cards. I did a set of fish, with one that isn't a fish. Soon, I will post them on ARTIST TRADIN...