Saturday, April 15, 2006

Plants and Flowers

Feeling much better but still have coughing fits. At night I sleep for about 2 hours and I’ll wake my self up coughing and I keep thinking to my self Not again this is getting tiring

The Zinnia I started are coming along nicely. Night time degrees still to cold here last week the average night time been 38.4. These flower will go in the front flower bed when the night time degree is above 45. Probably toward the later half of May. I’m sure that I’ll have to transplant them into a large pot

My front flower bed which I do in yellow and purple shades. The only thing that real showing life is my tulips. And my weeds


  1. grr...Picture didn't go in order I wanted them to. My Zinnia starts should be first.

  2. Do you plant a lot of things from seed?

  3. Owl..For flowers it looks like I'll do Zinnia, Asters and sweet peas.
    I'll get some bedding plants around localy.

  4. Love the garden space with the rocks all around it. Can't wait to see everything in bloom!

    Firehand has the same cold as you do. The coughing is wearing him out. Even cough syrup with codiene doesn't help much. I heard this cold is called the 100 day flu. Ack.

  5. Turtle I got some over counter cough syrup. I'm stronly thinking about going to the doctor and see if I can't get a RX of Codine cough syrup.
    Everything from home to work is getting shorted.


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Today Is Tuesday, May 14, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  I just noticed that today would have been my Grandfather Clarence's Birthday. If he were alive, he would be old. Okay! He would have ...