Friday, April 14, 2006

Blood Of the Cross

I find some disturbing ideal of crucifixion Jesus. Any one who attend any basic christen religion knows the story of Jesus got put on the cross on good Friday and the 3rd day rose from the dead. I don’t have any trouble with this Opinion time... Capital punishment doesn’t reduce murder it never has

This is what I have trouble with is blood of the cross symbol. They say ‘For god so loved the world that he gave his only son to die for our sins’
So Jesus taught us many valuable life lesson. Basically the golden rule. Now it seems like some people hide behind the blood of the cross so they can do dirty to others. honest time...I just have trouble with the whole ideal of blood of the cross to me it an excuse to do other wrong. To me it like saying I was drunk and didn’t know any better Please I’m not saying all christen hides behind the cross.

Any how why don’t they published the other books of the Jesus disciples?

honest thought...Love God/Gods with all your heart don’t do anything that would upset god/gods.

My Mother Myra to me said it right...Matthew, Mark, Luke and John we will all saddle a horse any will all get along Yes I believe that Jesus is a great teacher and if we lived by his parables life would be a lot smoother

Good Friday

Good Samaritan



  1. Peppy, I'm not sure what you mean by "blood of the cross." Are you talking about the substance of blood in reality or metaphorically?

  2. Jesus shed blood on the cross is the whole basis for the New Testament. You must read the whole Bible to really understand the significance of it. The law was given in the old testament and in order to receive forgiveness of sins an animal had to be sacrificed. (the blood) The law showed us that no one could ever be perfect or go without sin. Jesus came and was spotless (He never sinned) Jesus' blood was the final sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. His blood and the cross do not give one the right to practice sin. To practice it and do it are two different things. If one truly loves God and has accepted Jesus as their Savior, they should not want to sin. We must talk about the blood and the cross because it is the basis for the entire gospel message. Merely being a good person does not get someone to heaven. One must recognize their sin and need for a savior. They must recognize that Jesus died and rose so that their sins can be forgiven.

  3. So Peppy's talking about the literal aspect, that there was *actually* blood on the cross.

    Well, of course there was. The man had spike through his wrists and ankles. How could there not be blood?

    And for the record, thousands, and I mean thousands of people were put on the cross as a form of punishment by the Romans. And they all died too. Yet none of them have been marytred. Why not?

  4. Nio, I know anyone who gets hung on cross during the Romans would have blood, pee, and shit not a pretty sight.
    I have promblem with the chirsten take on the cross.
    The forgiveness of sin. To me it a way to hide behind and not be accountable for our action.
    So to me it's telling me I or anyone can go out a treat others like a piece of shit and it's ok because Jesus died on cross for our sins.
    To me it's away to throw out the golden rule and I just can't buy throwing out the golden rule.
    Jesus may died for the sins of the world but I don't think we need not to live by the golden rule.

  5. just Jesus, I know people a small precentage speek of the blood of the cross and do others wrong. The believe this is ok because Jesus died on cross for us. I still believe the golden rule is very inportant part of any one life.

  6. Peppy, I have a story for you:

    My uncle sent me a "joke" email a few years ago. It went something like this:

    A man commits a crime, gets arrested and goes to jail. When his trial comes, he picks a jury of one man.

    The trial goes on, the man admits guilt and remorse and the jury of one man finds him innocent.

    The man is pleased to have the trying episode over. As it turns out, the jury was Jesus. So not matter what the man had done, because he had admitted guilt, he was found innocent.

    I emailed my uncle backs and said what a deal. I can rape, pillage,kill a million people, and so long as I admit that I did it, I get off without any ramifications. Where do I sign up?

    So the short of the story is I agree with you. Admitting guilt does not get you off the hook. But Christians like to think so.

    And just to let you know, I think Jesus was a realy, historical persyn. HOwever, I don't think he was the son of god, rose from the grave, or died for our sins. He was a man who was tortured to death by the Romans. Nothing more, nothing less.

  7. well, I've been pondering this a bit. I've no comments to offer really as Christ is not a part of my belief system. The concept of his blood washing away our sins was one that never sat with me (nor did confession for that matter). I believe in karma, or as some choose to call it the threefold law-people should be holding themselves accountable for their actions and take responsibility for their own actions. period.

  8. Peppy, I agree with you. I think too many people forget to live by the golden rule, but remember that Jesus will forgive them for their sins.

    I don't think that "be good or you won't go to heaven" is a very good deterrent, either. I like that pagans believe we are responsible for our actions NOW and must pay the consequences during our lives, not have them tallied up after death.


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