Sunday, January 22, 2006


I’ve been looking around a little bit how to put some paza in my blogger. I took a few minute and was looking threw blog skins I know when I see the right blog skin. I have to confess. Their other in my life other then blogging . I should be taking care of my home and building shelves for my ceramic shop.

I had this dream last night and it goes as follow

I was cooking some round steak for dinner and potatoes. As dinner was about to be serve company showed up and real didn’t cook enough for extra people. Not be rude I sat the table and hope they would take the hint and leave so we could sit down and eat.

I woke up before we sat down or before the company left.
But I believe that are dreams have a message for us so we can become better human beings. We may not complete understand our dream. I got dream dictionary and I’ve used dream moods

three terms from my dream

To see a table in your dream, represents social unity and the potential for a meeting or gathering. It refers to your social and family connections. If the table is broken or not functional, then it suggests some dissension in a group. Perhaps there is something you cannot hold inside any longer and need to bring it out in the open.

To dream that you are setting the table, suggests that you laying the groundwork for a plan or personal matter. It also implies confidence.

To dream that you are eating dinner alone, indicates that you will need to do some serious thinking about your goals and direction in life. Alternatively, it may represent independence or lack of social skills.

To dream that you are eating dinner with others, signifies your acceptance or others. It is a time to reflect and share past experiences. It also suggests that you see everyone as an equal.

To dream that you are a guest at a dinner party, signifies enjoyable pleasures with close friends.

To see a guest in your dream, signifies new challenges and interests in your life.

To dream that you are a guest, denotes a circumstance or problem in your life that is temporary.

They didn’t have the word company so I use the word guest

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