Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Don't Want To Bore You, But I May or Not

It snow and I can't do anything about it. Yea weather is something we have little control over. But we do have some control over how much we pollute our environment.

I did get the paper work in for possible increase with Regis hours which was done on the 5th and they have two weeks to decided. Time they get around to increasing his hours he may or not need the extra time.
Sort of like. You can't fight city hall.

I hear there cutting food stamps or now what there calling S.N.A.P (supplement nurtional program program) Now possible heading to a HARVEST BOX. Some comparing it to Blue apron. Not sure of all the details.
It actual sort of remind me of COMMODITIES 
I've complain how our snap program is ran. Most people I've seen purchases junk food with there benefits. 
I know it's been a lot actual I lost track how many time I did my clients shopping. And there shopping list consist of ...half gallon of ice cream, box of Oreo cookies, bag of salt and vinegar chips, milk, coke, almond joy and doughnut holes.
Very rarely I'll pick up any fruits or vegetables when I shop for clients. Let lone fresh meat.
I have no trouble some one having a treat or so. But eating this on a regular bases and it could possible lead to all sort of health trouble.
Maybe WIC should included low income senior and disable. Here is a list of WIC food from my home state of IDAHO

I been working on both locker hook rugs and crochet rugs. And also I need to get back on track on improving my health.

Coffee is on


  1. The WIC list is very detailed and instructive, aimed at making sure the families concerned get healthy meals, it's a good idea.
    I think it's very sad that the people you shop for get so much junk food and probably you can't argue with them they should be getting at least some healthier options.

    1. I can only make suggestion on how to improve there lives...but the finely choice is there's.

  2. Anonymous12:45 AM

    From the Wikipedia article, "Currently, WIC serves 53 percent of all infants born in the United States". That is an extraordinary figure, along with 185% below the federal poverty level. Australia is not a great example for how a country should look after its citizens but I really fear for the future of the US. But the money should not be spent on junk food.

    1. It horrible how America treats it low income people.

  3. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Much as I hate to say it, forcing people to use their benefits for healthy food is a good idea! Especially when you consider the obesity and diabetes in this country.

    1. I honestly don't have trouble with some one having a little junk food every so often. But when there diet is over 80% junk food and there quite bit junk food related health issue..something is sure not right

  4. Hari OM
    Really, the items you describe are more luxuries than essentials. Gov't monies are intended for essentials. It's such a complex thing, whether to step in and advise what folk can and can't have when on benefits, but I do see an argument for providing allowance tied to specifics. Like ration books were in the WW2. YAM xx

    1. My mom talk about ration books during WW2. I should look into you may have something.

  5. The boxes, as proposed, would contain nonperishable food items, not fresh meat and produce. That’s not a solution.

  6. About the junk food: A friend of mine went to the US (Florida, if I remember right) - and she was very astonished at how cheap junk food was and how expensive fresh produce compared to each other and to Germany.

    1. you can fine a 2 liter bottle pop on sale for under $1.00
      in our store.

  7. It sounds like the replacement they're talking about would be all junk food. Which is just wrong on so many levels. As for your clients, you can't make them eat healthy, nor should it be your job to police their eating habits.

  8. I know that here in Boise at the farmer's market there are signs saying SNAP is accepted. Garbage food is always cheaper than healthy food.

  9. Junk food is comforting, but definitely not good for kids or adults.

  10. cooll post congrats

  11. I hear ya...too bad the gov. can't regulate what can BE on the shopping lists.

  12. Have you been getting more than the usual amount of snow for the season? Seems like that's been the case in MANY parts of the world this winter!

  13. Yikes! That shopping list put on 10kgs just reading it Dora! I like a wee bit of chocolate now and then myself but blimey that was one super unhealthy list.
    P.s. sorry to read about your car. Must have given you a bit of a shock too!

  14. Seems nutritional education is missing in many countries. Advertising by big companies sure has a lot to answer for.


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