Friday, August 04, 2017

July Check In 2017

It's already the 4th of the month. The first part of July I would I'm going to give to do my “how I'm doing”. Confession time...I worry about my interpersonal being...Maybe I need to look at my body vessle So I believe it important to keep up on one mental health as well as physical heath. So I like to take some blog post I did from the last month and see where I am at, from MY BLUE MIX

You are restrained and analytical.
You are independent: you have a strong desire to have time to yourself. You are philosophical: you are open to and intrigued by new ideas and love to explore them. And you are uncompromising: you think it is wrong to take advantage of others to get ahead.
Your choices are driven by a desire for organization.
You are relatively unconcerned with both achieving success and taking pleasure in life. You make decisions with little regard for how they show off your talents. And you prefer activities with a purpose greater than just personal enjoyment.

Weather or unless your talking about climate change your general pretty safe talking about weather.
It been a while since we had any rain. Zero for the month of July. There quite a few forest fires, BRITISH COLUMIA and my friend LaWalla is living up there near NELSON and almost had to evaluate.
Hottest day was on the 29th 99 (37.2)
Coldest day was on the 16th and the 20th 49 (9.4)
high average was 91 (32.7) low average was 63 (17.2)
Around the 5th of July there was an earthquake in Western Montana and didn't feel a thing but I know other who did.
Then on the 29th before noon it was 90 (32) and that was our hottest day.

I'm glance though my bullet journal and planner to see about July of 2017. I've heard if you write down what you plan or your goal your more likely to complete it...Well I haven't found this true but for me I fine one don't give up.
If I spend less time on mostly face book I would complete more. I haven't or don't post that much. Confession time...I tend to be a troll just looking and see what other post and still the sun comes up in the east and set in west.
A one or less then three times a day would real be enough time to check in on face-book. Checking it more then twice isn't going to change a darn thing.

In blog post I mention I was going to Lucid dreaming well I came in late and they were recording it and if I figure how to post it I will. See I arrive late.
But the little time I was there I found it fascinating.

Coffee is on


  1. BC sure is getting hit with the wild fires. Sure wish we could send some of our rain here in the Ottawa region.
    I am always early. Late stresses me out.

    1. BC is sure getting hit by wild fire. But I notice the last few days we haven't had the smoke drift down

  2. Time is flying. We are into August already. I have been in a bit of a blur this past month.

    1. August I sure hope the temp drop a bit

  3. I think our bodies and minds are so interwoven. Our thoughts influence the state of our body and vice versa.

  4. We had way too much rain.
    Writing goals down sounds like a plan.

    1. I sure how writting your goal makes my life smoother

  5. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Hello Dora ... my good wishes for the month of August.


  6. Yes, August is flying by.
    I hope the weather sorts itself out soon.

    All the best Jan

  7. You guys got down to 49 degrees? Jealous ;)

  8. Time is flying. We are into August already. I have been in a bit of a blur this past month.


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