Sunday, May 28, 2017

It Isn't Be For Few Days

I was going to post that I was going to take my lap town to my grand niece earlier this week. But I decided to take it to the place I get my internet service...MEADOW CREEK COMPUTER last day of and I plan to leave my lap top there.
Main thing is to be able to get up the photos I take, and if they can't fix it. I guess it time to buy anther cheap lap top. I been happy with this HP I have. But if they get it so I can load up photo they can do up grade and clean out the crap.

Murphy and I did some planting in the garden. We but in some bunching onions, and variety of vine crops.
The first part crops we plant are up. Soon we should eating such thing as radishes.
Also Murphy help me plant my geramin I got for Mothers Day

Start to set up my "Bullet Journal" since May was my first one. I'm did some of it different this time around.
Isn't mistake wonderful. Thing of all the things we learn from mistakes. Question time...What sort of things have you learn for mistake?
One thing I'm doing different on my weekly calendar is...on the left hand side I'm putting the calendar and on the right hand side I'm putting my goals, and things.
At this point I need to purchase white out, reading glasses and case so I can stick them in my purse.
One of the chore is cut the grass down in flower bed.

As for calorie count and walking. It looks like I kept my calorie count in it range, 1,782 is my daily average. I haven't had dinner yet.
But it looks next week calorie in take will be 1,847. I been getting in some walking as well.

I was going to do a politcal rant about President Trump and his cuts. Maybe tommorw, but I sure want to do it before I take my lap top in.
We went and seen Murphy sister Faith today.
I like to take a moment to Thank those who been keeping my son Bart and his family in his heart. This has been diffucult for all of us. At this point we're not sure what his options will be, he and his wife haven't yet seen the oncologist.
Once again Thank you...

Coffee is on


  1. Good luck with your computer and nothing wrong with a cheaper one as long as it does the job.
    Good to hear your garden is growing, love radishes.

  2. I'll keep a good thought for Bart. I hope your computer gets all better quickly.

  3. I am so sorry to read about your boy. I hope all goes well for him and you.
    And mmmm, radishes.

  4. Sending good wishes for Bart and for your computer.

  5. Let's get things fixed, I want to see your pictures

  6. You've been busy with gardening, and concerned for your son...along with your computer woes. Hope some bright sunshine will come your way soon.

  7. I like what computers can do but hate the overly complicated, sensitive, fragile devices themselves.

  8. Sometimes the problem with a computer is so simple but at the same time so frustrating to figure out, look luck on getting yours fixed like you want.

  9. If positive thoughts count Bart will be ok Dora, he has them coming from all over the world! Good luck with your computer, I confess they drive me crazy ☺ Looking forward to your Trump rant 😀

  10. Oh goodness! So many things I've learned from mistakes. Perhaps the first big one that stands out is failing my driving license because I didn't turn my head and check my blind spot when pulling out from the curb. It's something now that is ingrained at habit.

  11. Thanks for visiting my blog,Dora. I was interested when reading your profile, you have a Blue Heeler, the Aussie cattle dog. They are a wonderful dog. :)

    My very best wishes and positive thoughts go out to your you and your whole family. All the very best to him...and to you all.

    Mistakes....I'm human...I'm not perfect...I have faults...mistakes I have made...and, no doubt, still have many more up my sleeve waiting to make an appearance! :)

  12. Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog and for taking the time to leave a comment. : )


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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

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