Thursday, January 05, 2017

Peek A Boo Where Are You.

Reading an earlier post from “AM” and her post is on BLOG LURKING There are those who a blog stalker. Confession time...I've been one of them, a blog stalker.
Stop in and never comment. It seem there two reason I don't comment...Is either post is to intelligent and don't want to sound like a idiot...The other reason is it just majorly pissed me off.

I call them my coffee pals. The blogs I visit on regular bases a good variety of souls. Different ages, sex and thoughts.
When I'm visiting my coffee pals I will jump over to one of there pals and leave a comment.
A great way of expanding your blogger pals.

 My post from YESTERDAY I had six comment and 66 views or possible stalkers.

But before I move on about my day...I stop in at YAM and from one who left a COMMENT there and has a GO FUND ME PAGE for some vet bills.
Might well share what I ate.
Breakfast...potatoes, egg, and link.
Lunch...I was naughty for lunch...coconut cream pie and I will explain in a bit.
Dinner...Chicken, green salad, and toast.

Main reason Liz need to talk to her social worker in private. With out her brother in law Regis. So we went out he had a caramel roll and I had coconut cream pie. Both of us had coffee. This was at the CHIC N CHOP Afterward we drove to up to Community thrift store. Both Regis and I got a few items.

Not much more to blog about. I could talk about the weather...It still cold cold cold here in North Idaho.
Still trying to finish up last rag rug.
Yes, I need to mention Daisy my dog go fund me page. There is a link on the right hand side of my blog called “Daisy Teeth Cleaning” remember I been matching the donation.
She starting to play fetch the cat in hat.

Coffee is on


  1. I've come over for a coffee - enjoyed.
    Teeth cleaning of an animal - how I recall those days with our two dogs - all done and dusted now.

  2. DH has to take Jack and Jill in for their annual shots and worm medicine. Jack seems to need dental work, not just a cleaning. Jill just needs teeth cleaned, I hope! All pricey, I know.
    That cold front is reaching down to us, the next few days are a tad worrisome.

  3. Cold here on Long Island, too. And we're expecting snow.

  4. I lurk on a lot of blogs - many are art blogs and I enjoy the beauty.
    It's cold here too - currently 7 degrees.
    Glad I finished my mittens :)

  5. I click on Blogspot's "Next Blog" often to see what's out there. Many times I'm so flabbergasted, I'm speechless and so I don't leave a comment. :-)

  6. Er, Peppylady, I think you're confusing stalkers and lurkers there! In any case, I'm glad that you're neither for the most part and are willing to leave nice messages over on my blog. :)

  7. That cold, cold, cold business is hitting me, too. I'm already tired of the highs in the teens. None of the cars I have access to will run! I can't even get to the post office.

    I've tried the thing where you visit the blogs of people who left comments on other people's blogs, and have gotten some very uncomfortable responses. I much prefer blog hops. At least then people expect strangers to drop by.

  8. I heard something about Idaho being covered in snow. I don't envy your winter weather, that's for sure.

  9. I came over to visit after the nice comment you left at mine. Pleased to meet you!

  10. I don't know if I have people who read and don't comment, probably I do. I know I have a large number of "followers" pictured on my side bar, but do they actually read my posts are are they just there so they can brag about "following" so many blogs.
    I do have a regular bunch of loyal readers who also comment. Sometimes I leave comments on new-to-me blogs and never hear anything back.
    We're very warm here in South Australia this weekend with temperatures in the high 30C and low 40C degrees, but I have my airconditioner, so I'm keeping cool enough.


I always felt free to let people comment as they see fit. If you have any desire to leave a comment that is spam or to exploit others.
If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

Today Is Saturday, May 4, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  When I change cameras, I usually have trouble pulling the photo off the camera onto the laptop. Not this time.   Murphy and I clean some...