Thursday, December 30, 2010

My 12 Prediction for 2011.

  1. Market will have some will swings in numbers. Stock market will drop down to 8,200 and reach the high of 13,859.
  2. Gold will make it up to 1798 and will go low as 850 an ounce
  3. Oil will have some surprising swings oil won't go below $80 and will climb up to close to $300 a barrel
  4. 80% of the time the United States currency will be on low side of most world currency.
  5. Two classic movies will be remake and the stars who plays in the movies will do a better performs then the original stars (Not counting “True Grit”)
  6. People will be thinking and heading to more healthier life style More people will be treating there body as temple. This will upset the pharmaceutical companies
  7. Pretty slow year for political climate in Middle East.
  8. A Natural Disaster in Southern part of some Middle East Country.
  9. Government base service will be cut 15% to 17% The Military will be frozen.
  10. If the ultra conservative (Tea Party or John Birches) pushes and get over 50% of there agenda though their will be major uprising in our social programs. Will see some protesting in streets. But not like Europe.
  11. The last cold snap will be May 3rd don't be surprise if it in 20's. Then for the summer heat we will have a record breaking this summer up to 106. But the majority weather will be on warm side but not overly hot. Just 3 days of extreme heat (This is for Boundary County)
  12. Some well known second hand store will have increase in the number of sale but not necessary the dollar amount and will be on a news show like Chris Matthew show, Fox news, or News hour.
I totally forgot to do my prediction for 2010. I was briefly looking back to my prediction in the other years. I think or I better way of saying it “I flunk out”
Now looking back at years past .
So if one wants to take a look at my past prediction
09 07 and 06
I would have to say I got two right in 07 #3 and #6. honest time...totally clueless on how I really did.

I'm not even sure what word I would use for my own out look for 2011. Confession time..I'm total clueless what or need to do for 2011.
Let face facts I could make a list of needs and wants.
This may seem strange and I don't even have a total reason why. But if I set a timer let say 30 minutes and set goal to work in certain area. I accomplish more.
Some good example would be
Set the timer for 20 minute and go though the 3 drawer container. First get rid of any paper that isn't needed, clean off paper on top place proper spot, and etc......etc.....etc
Set timer for 20 Minute remove everything from the hutch dust the entire hutch but before that take nick nack to kitchen sink and wash nick nack place in drainer. As the stuff is drying one can actual do a deep dusting.
Set timer for 5 Minute. Sweep steps to the basement.
I'm total clueless why I feel like I get more done this way.
I should strongly consider setting a timer more often.

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