Friday, May 22, 2009

I Rather Do It This Way Not That Way.

Flowers real don’t represent every spirit or soul. I headed up to Grandview Cemetery to decorate some graves.
So two of the graves I did not with flowers but with whirl bird, which went on our nephew Nate grave.
I put a sun on my parents grave Harold (Pete) and Myra.
So I put plastic flowers on my cousin Doyle, Murphy dad Dewayne, and his mom Delora, my grandparents Edgar (Jack) and Olive, Murphy grandparents John and Elizabeth. Then I went over to our friend Les and put some flowers on his grave.
Statement time…memorial day real gets to me. I rather honor those who cross over in different rhelm then what we live in
I rather do something in line of Samhain But I know no one around here real does Earthy holidays such as changing of the seasons.
I could think plenty to do for some of the spirits. Like my dad I could have display of trains sense he worked 50 years on the trains. Anyhow he started before he was 18 years old, and he really like spilt peas soup, I know my cousin Doyle was a great fan of football and have friendly game of football out in the cemetery. Plus Doyle serve his country during Vietnam.
I don’t know if Doyle liked playing pinochle but he knew how. A friendly game of cards. Murphy mom I never met but I understand she was avider book reader so one could bring some of her favor books. My Grandma Olive loved flowers.
I understand Elizabeth like a sip of wine.
Doesn’t this sound like a better way to celebrate those who gone before us?

I went to a few yard sales. I got late start I want to do a few chores around the place before I adventure out.
One thing getting a late start I didn’t spend all that much only a dollar. Which got me Dr Phil book “Self Matters”.
So next weekend yard selling I’ll have more money and I might be going to the yard sale in Sandpoint area. Or even a thrift shops


  1. I think it's important to honor those who have departed in the best way we know how. The best way they would like to be remembered :)

  2. I like your unique remembrances!
    What a family to honor :)

    Enjoy the book and hope you find some fun stuff at the yard sales!


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