Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Lack Of Cash..Now For An Answer

Murphy and I planted some flowers among the east fence line of the veggie garden.
I thought the folklore of flowers and or symbols were always fascinating.
So we stuck in some strawflowers which means” Never ending remembrance”. We add two more flowers bachelor buttons “Delicacy, hope in love, blessedness.” Then also some zinnia “Thoughts of absent friends.” We got the geranium “Folly; Stupidity” Ok but also I been told it keeps away evil spirits.
I once was stupid and told the folklore to my client Donna about the geranium keeping evil spirits away.
Well she told me they needed Jesus. Confession time…sometime I sure am stupid and put my foot in my mouth

Money is so tight around here Murphy is only working part time. Least he is working. So our income is down.
When it comes to graduation we usual give a “Jackson” ($20) and a dishtowel. Well this year there getting a card a “Lincoln”($5) and a dishtowel.
Plus my client was getting rid two dishtowels. So they didn’t cost me a thing.
I know I’ll have to go in the dollar store and pick-up anther dishtowel, a card, and a Lincoln

You know that ole saying or maybe it just a statement. “You marry a trait of your parents” Well I think it true, not 100%.
Murphy sure can complain and grip just like my dad did.
He was looking in the shed saying we have to much junk. It sure isn’t prefect but it on shelves but it better then just having it toss every where.
The main reason he was complain that the item we use to hang the geranium by our front door couldn’t be found.
I made something and it works.


  1. Hope things improve. Lack of cash seems to be a common complaint these days. I guess we'll all have to adapt.

  2. I would like to learn more folklore, As I was not raised in Wv. And did not get to know my family ancestry ways. My Aunt tells me some on the phone. But I am going to have to learn to write things down. I am learning to garden by moon phase this year and recording my adventure on another blog.


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