Friday, June 16, 2006

My New Books That Are Coming

I just join a book club called one spirit I join threw my points and I’ll have to buy two more books and then I’ll cancel my membership

The crystal bible

Super foods healthy style

complete incense, oils and brews

wicca for one

I know these books are linked to amazon but I have anther one coming called Faire craft by Alicen & Neil Geddess - Ward


  1. I belonged to them for awhile. They have good books, just make sure you get your card turned back in though..They are bad to send you books you didn't order

  2. P.S. You will love the crystal bible and the one on incense oils and brews, I have both of them

  3. I have around 200 books on everything from soup to nuts. I love books. Bruce bought me a set of antique books that were published in 1857, first print Whittiers Poems Vol. 1 & 2, he bought me a wooden box with a tree carved on the top to put them in. It is the best present he's ever gotten me. I will do a post with pictures on them later after I get some sleep.

  4. Hope you enjoy your books. Cunningham's Incense, Oils & Brews is one I'd like to have someday. I have quite a few of his other ones.


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