Sunday, May 19, 2024

Today Is Sunday, May 19, 2024: This Is What Happened.

I usually walk in the morning, before 8. This time, I went around 11:30. Most of the time, once I finish walking or exercising, my so-called mental well-being is up. When I was returning home and walking up the yard, I felt a still depressing feeling coming over me. In due time, it will all settle down.  

I've been working in my art journal, trying to assign colors to different feelings. It's hard for me. I don't have any color I love or hate. If my counting is correct, I'm covering 12 emotions. Two of the emotions I list are stupid and smart. What color would you give those feelings? 

I'm looking forward to going to Oregon. We're leaving on Wednesday. I'm not sure if we're coming back on Sunday or Monday. We're driving back. It's been a while since Hubby and I went on a road trip. We won't drive it one day. We will get a room somewhere. 

The grandgirls want us to go to the water park. It has been ages since I have been to the water park. It was when Sawyer and Bart were under the age of 13. Both of them are now in their 30s, So I will let you do the math.

Coffee is on.


  1. ...have a great trip!

    1. I always have a fun time with my grandchildren

  2. I'm sure you will have fun and I'm sure the water park might be in your future!

  3. I find exercise important to my well being too.

    1. exercise is quite beneficial in so many ways.

  4. I did two paintings in my sketch book today too, using watercolours and ink pens. One with flowers didn't turn out well. The rainbow pride one did turn out well and I like it. So I'm batting 50% I guess!

  5. I think grey for stupid because if your feeling like this it blots out all the good feelings for anything. So a dark grey would do that.
    Smart well definitely gold.
    Safe travels on your journey

    1. Match colors with feeling isn't easy for me.

  6. If I have to assign colors, I go with chakra colors. Smart and stupid I think would go with intellect, which I believe is yellow. So different shades of yellow?

  7. A water park sounds like a lot of fun. I never thought of emotions as colours.

  8. Have a great time driving and touring 👍

  9. I still remember going down waterslides in the mid 80s when the kids were young and I was not yet old. It was great fun.

  10. I have never been to a waterpark. I know you will have a great time.

  11. Enjoy your trip to Oregon and hanging in with the grandkids.

  12. I try to walk earlier in the morning before it gets really hot too.

  13. I like walking, we've had some lovely sunshine today and it was very enjoyable to be out and about.
    Enjoy your trip to Oregon.

    All the best Jan

  14. I say go to the water park with the kids. It will be so much fun. Perfect to perk up your mental health.


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Today Is Wednesday, October 16, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  My first autumn painting is in my art journal. I went to a water class at the senior center. The girl reminds me of SUE BONNET SUE . All ...