Saturday, February 04, 2023

Today Is Saturday February 4 2023, This Is What Happen


I set the timer for 15 minutes and cleaned the bedroom. Got a small box of books to be donated to the thrift store.

Trying to organize my creative supplies can take a lot of work. Lolita came up with the idea of a CRAFTER BAG WITH WHEELS. I think a luggage bag wouldn't work. The one I use for traveling I got from a thrift store, and they cost less than $10.

I have an extra one that could be used as a craft bag, and I purchased one more. If I can't manage my creative supplies. I need to get rid of it.

Over on my GOOD READ account, I listed three books I will consider reading from the years my parents were born.

The books I picked are from the year my mom was born...THE PROPHETSAINT JOAN, and MADAM CROWL GHOST OTHERS STORIES. Then, for the year my dad was born, I will be reading THE BOBBSEY TWINS OF LAKEPORTTHE CHERRY ORCHARD, and THE ADVENTURES OF ELIZABETH IN RUGEN.

I can't see myself buying these books. I'm also unsure if I would request these books through the inter-library. However, I noticed our library has the Bobbsey twins book, and I got the movie Cherry Orchard from the library in Sandpoint.

I had the plan to read both the READER and INLANDER. Planning less around the place tomorrow. So I can get a chance to read a least some of these papers.

Hubby is still having an issue with his balance. He expresses the guilt of me retiring and becoming his caregiver. Actually, my clients have a better balance than my husband.

Sadly the way our medical system is set up. Getting in-home care, one can only have a few resources; for the two of us, it is $4,000. Usually, the first rig doesn't count. But the second one can only value up to $4,000. I know some Medicaid programs can put a Lin on your property. When you die, the state will collect off our estate. But quite a few different factors play a role in our Medicaid system. It looks like the department of Medicaid pays the agency about $23.00 an hour. They pay me a little over $16.00 an hour. I understand they have their overhead.

So for us to get someone to come in and get help would cost us a lease of $15 an hour. The average caregiver makes around $12.63 an hour in Idaho. The National average is $13.75.

Although I don't know what year this data is from.

But all and all, I'm worried about my hubby. He leans somewhat forward from the hip.

Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. Your medical and care system is so broken. Ours is not wonderful but here Murphy could apply for disability pension, $1,000 per fortnight and get National Disability Insurance funding, the amount allocated depending on how badly he is affected to spend on whatever help he needed.

  2. I hope there is some help available for your husband, Peppy. The system sounds like it is rigged against you though. Take care.

  3. The first full book that I ever read was The Bobbsey Twins at the Seashore. It was 1955. I was 7.

  4. Yeah, it sucks when we need more help. And the system is rigged against us. It was designed to be bad, alas.

  5. I'm sorry your hubby is having those challenges. Hopefully you'll figure out a way to naviate the rough seas of health care. Hugs from all of us.

  6. I hope the balance issue can resolve itself

  7. A friend had vertigo once that got better


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...