Thursday, May 31, 2018

Stumpling All About

Last few days been hard with changing my eating and exercise habit. I slipping back to some of my old habits when it comes to my health.
I did mange to walk around a few buildings.
It been a while since I been to luncheon at the Methodist church. Can't say I was overly impress. They call it stroganoff, well to me stroganoff needs to have a mushroom, onion, and folded in sour cream.
It was greasy thin down ground beef gravy.
They did offer a good selection of melon.
Not saying if I will go again or lease when. I need to make better choice.

Found two sheets at a local thrift store that can be use for Liz rag rug. $1.50 each. Now I got to cut the sheets into strips.
But before any cutting is done. Sheets need to be wash. I find most thrift store when it comes to laundry they use such heavy sent laundry soaps.
The other thing I did and always hope I would complete is my bullet journal, or a lease get better recording what I did. It been said RECORDING ONES PLANS AND GOALS there more change of completing it
But then there the other side of pancake...I tend not to mark of what I complete. Like I'm reluctant to give my self credit what I complete.

Coffee is on

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Now What To Do

Usual Wednesday I do a meme, called hodgepodge but the host is taking a week, Hopeful she enjoying her self.

Well I did a meme called I believe was called A.B.C Wednesday or Thursday. It was quite simple the meme was that they would go though the Alphabet and take photo. Question time....Does anyone know which meme I'm talking about, and where I can fine it.

Well there the Wordless Wednesday and this is the first HOST.

It been a while since I recorded what I eat. Last weigh in I was up. So I start to use Fit day and my calorie  range, 1,800 to 2,150 and I was over.
Then there the water and the steps.

I start to cut of more fabric strips for crochet rag rug. Every so often I stop in at thrift store looking for white cotton fabric.
Don't mind small prints in it.
Lot of time I look though the sheets.
But solid bright white sheet is little to much.

This morning I look though the camera box for my usb cord, nothing. It was a brand new camera out of walmart.
With shipping and usb cord it was around $5 dollars. Should be here the first part of June.

Well the A.B.C photography meme the photo above I would either put it either B or M...B for Bill and M for Mister.

Coffee is on

Monday, May 28, 2018

Can I Tell You Some News

Liz and I went to a horse and dog show in Spokane and had a good time. So as I post I thought I would share a few photos as I share.
Isn't Levi the rough collie beautiful

Things sure change in the horse show since I've shown in shows. To me when I show there was a lot more expected from the riders and there horses.
But a lot more classes was added since I show horses.
My knowledge on the dog show is quite limited. But I saw some pretty cool dog.
Even some dog I would like to have as furry friend. All these dogs are AKC register and actual I rather have a mutt weighing some where between 15 and 30 pounds.

My steps during last week been down. But there always the future which comes in a moment. 
This morning I order a usb cord for my camera.
Took my camera and notice I could use a little bigger bag. It isn't as pressing as the cord. So for a while I will check in at local thrift stores. Sure something will pop up.
Took out 20 more likes from facebook, it's getting a little harder to choose who stays who goes.
Not sure how I could do it with blogger. But I did a post on our local pagan page SPAIRFITEREA
the post basicly went like this...I thought we could have a little fun, and possible make some new friends. In the comment section sun sign and the element.Those with the same elements element send them a friend request...Earth Elements are Taurus, Virgo and Capicorn...Air Elements are Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra...Fire Elements are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius...Water Elements are Pieces, Cancer, and Scopio.

Coffee is on

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Some Gone Some Not

Been going though my likes on my facebook and delete quite a few of them. There were some old blogs I connected though facebook, and haven't visited them in ages. So I been visiting them to see if they been active or not.
If they look dead as dead can be. I delete them. But those who look might be breathing on one lung I add them to my coffee drinker list.
Then those who haven't had any action in three months or more. I delete them.
The other day I took last little bit out of dishes in one the boxes and took it to local thrift store. Still a little more to go.

Off to see the ARABIAN HORSE show tomorrow  in Spokane and also going on is there a dog show going on at the same place.
I wasn't going to take camera until I got a usb cord for it. But this I can make special case.

One thing I'm not sure what a HDMI port. Not sure how a usb cord and Sandisk card works. But it got to be better then open and closes it.

Still having issue with my car. Had to take it back to the shop. It was yesterday and told them I would stop in and pick it up.
Hubby and I went in, so I could get it. Well it made the selnoid clinking sounds once again. Well this shop is MENNONITES place of business.
There several sect of them in this area.
Well on Saturday they close at two in the afternoon and don't work on Sunday it there sabath.
So I told them I will stop in Tuesday or Wednesday.
Our new neighbor are mennonites. One couldn't ask for a better neighbors.
They don't push there faith on to you.

Yesterday a few from our pagan group ment at MUGSY and it been long time since I actual had a cocktail drink. I believe the last time I order actual hard drinking. I paid $2.00 and my Bloody Maria was $6.00.
Business we took care of our summer camp out. And the fall PAGAN PRIDE

Coffee is on

Friday, May 25, 2018

There Always..What Ever

So far I've drawn 17 tarot cards. I wonder which animal I put in my drawing and what they might represent. So I decided to google "Name of animal represent"
My first animal I drew was LION, but this card which is the king of wands I had two other animals. A LAMB and also BEAVER
My next card I had animal was my temperance on what I call my east side I did a SLOTH. Then on the west side I did a COUGAR.
Only did one animal on my empress card which was the BLUE BIRD and also I have bluebird in my Hierophant.
Now part of my two pentacles I put in a RABBIT and a DUCK.
Decided that my hermit need a friend and company so there is MYNAS BIRD
My last card I recently finish was the four of swords and I drew in two GOLD FISH

Here the camera I bought. Every thing has a learning curve. One problem I see at this point. I don't like the location of the san disk card. Located where the batteries go. I can see the door hinge wearing out because of opening and closing.
Some of dial is easier to work.
Before I take it away from home is that I still need to hook up the lens cover. It seem some what difficult.

Use the panorama on the camera. Still could use knowledge about this feature. Although a lot easier to then my camera before.
But still there a learning curve.

It sure a nice day. I got out my sun dial and put it in my yard.
The neighbor down the road had a dump truck load of logs brought to his place. There people who buys there firewood in log length and latter cut up for firewood.
Not sure what it would cost to purchase a truck load of log. I believe a cord of fire wood would run some where between $125 to $250 depending on species.
We do a little bit of firewood. To me it gives it homey feeling with a fire. I doubt it we even use a cord and the only time we build a fire when it super cold. To me it super cold when 15 below zero. Or to most of people it comes in at -26.
Question time...what do you consider super cold...
This morning Murphy and I cover our pole beans with netting. Last year soon as bean broke though the ground, the robin get ate them.

I know I won't get a chance to work on the grass in my flower bed. After work our local pagan group is having a social at MUGSY .
Since life is busy, for a while we're going to try to combine our study group with a social. We were going though To RIDE A SILVER BROOM STICK
About ready to head out to work. But I did gather up a few more items to drop off at one of our local thrift store.
I will stop in before work.
Need to finish getting ready for work.

Coffee is on

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Bogus: Where To Go

The local hermit in land a Bogus had no trouble being a lone. The hermit found usual this was the best time to connect with a high power. Usual she draw a tub of hot water and place some salt in the water. Light a candle and went into mediate state. 

Things way back wasn't all that good in land of Bogus. Crops hasn't done well as the season past. Rain man was over across the valley. Crops to the east was doing quite well. Actual things were looking a little lean for a while..
Many people in Bogus was thinking of moving. Who to stay or who to leave. Leaving family and friend can be a scary choice. And there something about staying in our comfort surroundings. Not knowing what on down the road. 
But the crops in field was scares during the last few harvest. People were on edge, people were becoming divided. 

Some did decided to leave the land of bogus, in hope for a better life. They left what they knew and had a lot of question for the future
But they knew life in Bogus land was hard. And leaving meant other who choose to stay may have a more of balance life.
Still they wonder if they would be welcome in there new home land. 
But soon they enter the new home land. Sure things were different but they knew they were home and soon they join the local community for a cup of tea and singing songs of joy.

Editor Note...These a fictional story...Base on three tarot cards...

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Wednesday Meme 3

Glad someone gives me some good ideals to post and share my life with you all. First one I will start out with Joyce's meme over at THIS SIDE OF THE POND and she calling it HODGE PODGE ROYAL, and I wonder why it being called that. I bet most of us can guess why.

1. The last place you visited/patronized where you felt like you were given 'the royal treatment'?...Maybe before I was two.

2. The last task you completed that was a 'royal pain'? This morning for some reason and please don't ask me how...But my husband got the riding lawn more stuck on a tree stump. So he and I had to lift the mower off the stump...But every so often I wish I had a personal keeper do such task of gathering paper for such thing as taxes.

3. How have your strengths helped you succeed? How have your faults hindered you? For my strength I would have to say being true to my self. My fault is being unorganized, which I'm always working on. It should click in shouldn't it? Organized.

4. If you found a remote that could rewind, fast forward, stop and start time, what would you do with it? I would leave time a lone. Every choice has both a positive and negative reactions. And I might be hard to deal with.

5. Any special plans for the Memorial Day weekend? Nothing at this time. 

6.  Insert your own random thought here? I got my camera and hopeful in very near future I will be able to share photos.

Since I have camera two other meme I want to take part is Wordless Wednesday and one more if I can find the meme is the ABC photo meme.

Coffee is on

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Nothing In Concrete Galoshes

One of the thing I've been doing was going though my facebook page were my likes. I already took out some of my likes. Not many and not sure how many I will eventually take out. Right now I have over 1,300 likes. Not even sure who and what these likes are even all about.
Even if I don't want to. I'm keeping my elected official pages. One should keep up on current and how our elected official are doing. Keeping in touch with them is important.
Even usual they don't support my thinking.

It been a couple of week since I done anything with my bullet journal. The funny or should I say strange.
But it time to do fact. Statement time....I write down my goals and or plan. But don't record my accomplished.
Been told that if one write down there GOALS one have a large chance of achieving them.

Goals were some what less then usual for week. Not going in to it all. But working on my crochet rug, haul more to the thrift store, and gardening.
I did mange to get some of the grass cut out of flowerbed below my window.

Murphy rotille the south side of our garden, which will be where we put the vine crops.
But we need to take the car to the shop and have starter solenoid put in.
So I will drive the car in and he will drive the pick up in. Drop the car at the shop and on the way home stop at the store.
Then I will drive the pick up to work.

For strange reason I'm craving either mustard green or collard green that I can even taste it.

Coffee is on

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Trying To Keep The Grumbling Down to a Minimum

Once again I need to mention our America Medical System. The fact is a medical bill could possible make one homeless.
It pretty sad that someone have to beg for money to help pay for medical bills. I actual know the Foxes, nice people.
But her husband Don pass away. Now she set up a go fund me account so she won't loose her home and end up on the streets. CLICK HERE and read complete story.
If you can't donate please share the story.

I wasn't even going to mention the school shooting in Texas. One thing I notice not much came across any of my social media things I'm involve with.
Hardly any one offering prayers or thoughts.
Then the Second Amendment isn't yelling about there gun rights.
I was going to make a statement. But decided not to.

Both of did some work in the garden. Murphy in the veggie he dug up around were we will be putting in pole beans.
I got one of our flower beds grass cut back. So my flowers can get some sunlight. This fall both of my flower beds will have to be dug up and replanted.
Hopeful tomorrow I will get the grass cup back in my other flower bed.

Now I'm thinking of what to do next or in which order. The bullet journal, locker hook rug, or the rag rug.
The only thing I can see completing at this time would be the bullet journal.

Some time I open anther tab to look up words. For different reasons. Short time I was looking for the word mention and it keep coming up Mansion. So I thought I was pronouncing it correctly. Well it did better when I just didn't release my mouth and kept my teeth together.

Coffee is on.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Now Some Good Then There's Other

Now I wish or I could make my life I little more balance. Work we went fairly smooth. Only thing I had a trouble with trying to get hold of Regis phone company and to let his bank information has change.
We're both lost and it almost like we need a five year to get us though it.

I struggle with my walking. My goal is to get 7,500 steps in a day and never came close. Today I walk around a bigger block in town. So I park at United Methodist and walk in front of Baptist church. And around Catholic church which is be re-build the old one is burn down, arson. Looks like it coming along nicely.
I may even attend a service there.

After work I went over to my friend place. Her and I started the local pagan group, Spairfiterea. We both had life event and our pagan got stuck in closet.
So we pulled it out and but both of us our still fairly busy and doing a light version of our pagan stuff, a lease for while.
We both work.
So end of May we will be going live and we will be covering "our emotion from our past life"
But on the 3rd we going to combine our social day with our studying "To ride a sliver broom sticks"
Then we might go to Spokane for Moon Lake Gathering presentation. Although not sure what subject matter might be or not.
Last year we held our summer solstice and neighboring pagans came from a 100 mile radius. And this year we will be doing the same.
I present my ideal of doing a CIRCLE which is having the royal court. Not boring you at this time about it. I'll be the queen of wands, which represent new ideal, change. Just think of how wind bring in and out of storm. Shake up things a bit.
Our circle is our worship service. To me circle should be fun. We're entertaining the gods and goddess. No need for them to be board.

Not sure what all I will be doing in the morning. But I forgot to pick up Regis med and I know that will be one thing I will be doing.

Coffee is on

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Wednesday Meme 2

This is my second time taking part in this meme, HODGE PODGE if you would like to join in the fun and learn about others. Please click on the link

1. What would you say is your biggest day to day challenge...I'm going to pick two of them...first one is our local political climate and also national. That I don't get irradiate with President Trump fans
Then since I been try to improve my health and staying on track. Almost lost 10 pounds.

2. May 16th is national biography day? What biography you really enjoy reading? Is it a genre you read regular....Since I'm a history buff and at one time I read all sort of biography and if memory calls and I believe the last one I read was one on Catherine the great.
Now since I blog and I enjoy reading other people blog on what going on in there world. Most biography you get from a book. They're usual has finical resource  You don't read about some biography who goes on picnic and the only reason there going because they can't afford any thing else other then walk of local park joy the fried chicken and listen to the surrounding sounds.

3. How is import to have a clean house? Do you need to de-clutter your life?....I like a basic clean house but I'm not into having a show case home. I want it to be comfortable.
Now for de-clutter. I been working on this for a while, hauling things to the thrift store.

4 If you were the 8th drawf what would your name be?.... Who

5. What surprise you most in life?.... How many mistakes I've made though my life.

6. Insert your own random thoughts here?
Idaho just had the primary election yesterday. I just shake my head who we send down to Boise and over to Washington DC from North Idaho. No wonder we're 48, 49, and 50 in most list. We're usual 1, 2 or 3rd place for domestic violence.
The other day I went to our local farmer market. I like small local market and you fine the most interesting things. I bought both my daughter in law some home made soap made with goat milk. Sorry I don't recall the scent.

Coffee is on

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Realy I'm Drawing a Blank

Got the last load of clothes in the dryer. I like to hang my clothes to dry but Murphy is in quite a bit of pain. And he didn't want to haul up wet clothes from our basement. Which I complete understand. He has an doctor appointment the 22nd. I think he should have a MRI.
Then I have to see gastologist the same day but later on.

Well I mention that I want to retire when I become sixty three and three fourths. I know longer I wait more I will get.
I've looked it up before what I would be getting. It depends on inflation and what I will earn in next five years. Well what I'm guessing my retirement should be around $750 to $850. I'm so tired of getting up and going to work.
I know people who done my kind of work and there clients are just plan nasty. Mine have there faults but there general kind people

It just been talked about lightly and we might sale the house after I retire. Also I have all those ceramic molds and I know I won't make the same as I do working, but that OK.
Then on the other hand I'm not sure if either one of us can handle molds.
Well what is what and it will all work out some way.

Weigh in this morning and have one pound to go to make my second quarter goal. I've been doing my steps with my zip bit. A little short on the steps this week. Although I've kept up on my water intake.

Coffee is on

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Looked Down and What Do I See

That right I found my fit bit zip. It was on my car floor. The matt is same color as my zip. Now to fine my camera.

Liz is doing much better. Her son called her. Well when her children which are in there 30's. Her youngest son called her up and accouse her of smoking crack.
Her son is a state rehab program. Let say he been just lucky he hasn't killed or maimed someone.

We're planning to go down to our local health fair. Instead they want to go to our local farmer market.
Regis is a hippy. And he does have trouble with change and he thinks of hippy of days gone by. Has trouble with the present day hippies.
I did purchase home made soap which I will send to both of my daughter in law. Then a home made stain remover.
But didn't get a card, most of them were over $5.00

Before I went to work help hubby mark out the rolls in the garden. As I was at work he planted some chard and onions.

Last few days I didn't do anything with my fitbit or fitday. But this morning I start to record what I ate and such.
I figure if my zip was gone. I still could use one of my older pedometer to keep track of my steps.
Then around ten this morning I start wear my zip bit.
Still got over 5,000 steps.

Coffee is on

Friday, May 11, 2018

Stop In

I stop in at both place I stop in yesterday to see about my fit bit zip, and no fit bit zip was turn in and went though Regis place fairly good. Tore down his couch and nothing. The only thing I could check under the couch.

I actual wonder if Liz might had something to do with it. I don't like accussing someone of steeling. If there not solid proof. But she doesn't have the best track record.
Well Regis got some DVDs from the library in Sandpoint. Well one set of movies is missing and she like the TV series "Ones Upon A Time" and he swears she took it to her place to watch. And now she claiming he never took them.
Well see Regis is schizophrenia and there is a chance he just imagine she took them.
So tomorrow I'm going to stop in at local pawn shop to see if anything of my stuff was taken down there.
Now if my items are down there. I'm not sure what I will do. I need to work and jobs are hard to find around this area.
I guess I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

See Regis has a presribtion for Morphine and he gives Liz part of his prescription. And this is no great secret though out our communtiy.
Well his orthpedic surgeon handling his morphine and now it being transfer to his regular doctor and she will handle it.
Well his doctor wrote it to the 22nd and at time his other doctor will take it over.
But he claims he running low. Not sure if that true.
But Liz is being relentless about it, and just badger him. She even tried to get me involved, by saying
"Tell Regis give me a pill" I said it his choice and I have no ideal what he has and that prescription  needs to last to the 22nd.

He talk to me about it as she was having her hair done. And I ask if he talk to his thearphist about it.
He said he has, and his theraphist tells him just tell her "no" and if she still keeps up on it. Tell her to leave the place, and if she won't leave call the police and have her remove.
Well she has warm her self in past and he afraid she might do it again.
So I suggest that he talk to her therapist. See we have HIPPA laws to protect our people.Opinion time...there plenty problem that Hippa brought in  LaWalla and I went and talk to her therapist once about Liz and her behavior.

Just starting to put white on the rag rug I've been working on since last Christmas. This will be my last color.
I'm actual hope I misplace my stuff. I don't like to accuse any one of anything unless I have proof.
Confession time...I haven't done much with my health since I misplace my fitbit. So tomorrow I will start a lease drinking my water, mood, and record what I eat.

Coffee is on

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Now I Did It Again

This post should start out in a diary form....Dear Ms Ear. I feel like complete idiot for loosing my zip bit. I was sitting on Regis couch at work. And is couch when you sit on it, and it pushes your hip forward. And if things aren't push deeply in your pant pocket it falls out.
Well I'm 98% sure it falls out and now I can't fine it.
I lost my camera and now my fit bit zip.
Confession time...I feel so angry at my self which makes me a little depress. Little I use the fit bit I found it a necessary thing for getting my self on the way to healthier me.

Well back to work tomorrow and I will put in quite bit of time cleaning. And hopeful it shows up. Confession time...I feel like I don't deserve any thing nice.

Murphy stop in as I was at work. Well he was at Safeway getting some items and when he came up the right rear tire was flat.
So Regis does live close to Safeway and walked over. So my clients are pretty good and they let me take my hubby over to Les Schwab tires and made arrangement for them to come and air up the tire, so he can drive it to the tire place. Well it had a small hole in tire.

Then he and I went to MOOSE VALLEY FARM and got a few veggies. We're cutting the garden way down.
No more flower beds since I work out still. I don't have time to do much and I hardly keep up the ones I have.
I notice Murphy weed around the white lilac bush. I need to thank him.
But retirement is coming and them I can have time to be more creative and expressive.
Actual planning to get one flowering plant, which will be a geranuim
Retirement for me is 5 years, and 9 months. Haven't figure the weeks, days, hours or second. 

Waiting for whites to dry.

Coffee is on

Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Few Steps Up the Latter

I love my fit bit zip and still learning my way around. 7,500 step is my daily goal. Today was the first time I made the goal, actual I made 8,153 steps. Then I made my water goal of 36 oz and actual went over by 4 oz.
I've been using fitday to keep track of my foods. It has a good way of keeping tracking my nutrition intake.
For my daily calorie intake is 1,800 to 2,150 and I went over today.

It been a while since I've work on any of my crafts. Been thinking as I watch star trek I might coloring in my last tarot card I did.

Coffee is on

Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Not Quite A Week

Got back yesterday morning the 7th. Had plan to ride Amtrak and I pussied around and didn't take care of getting tickets and there were no room for Hubby and I. I doubt they would of let us in the baggage car.
So we took the plane home.

Had a wonderful time in Medford. Murphy and I adventure out Friday by our self. My son let me drive his MR 2.
We headed over to see the red woods and Northern part of California coast.

When I was down there I learn how to use the map thing on the smart phone. Now I feel more comfortable adventure out in strange new area.
When I was younger I would just go place and never worried about being lost.

Daughter in Law Betty is doing fine with her pregnancy. Due mid July. The three of us went shopping for the up coming little one. Murphy stay home.
I believe this was STORE we stop in. 
And fine out sibling rivalry is still alive. I went and got Claudia a few little out fits. Well Sawyer said how about my child. So I went and got three items for there up coming little one. Two bath towels and a piece of clothing.

Weigh in at T.O.P.S lost a pound and three fourths. Quite please and I have  3 pounds to go and I will make my second quarter goal, of anther five pounds off.
I got a fit bit zip and been using it. And already earn a badge from it. The boat shoe one. Every time you do 5,000 steps you earn this badge.
My stepping goal is 7,500, at this time.
Still learning my way around the zip bit

Lunch about dome and heading to work.

Coffee is on

Wednesday, May 02, 2018

April Check In 2018

Each month I like to check with my self how I did and sort of what happen. Each month I copy and paste some of my blog post into WATSON PERSONALITY INSIGHT.
You are restrained and particular.
You are philosophical: you are open to and intrigued by new ideas and love to explore them. You are independent: you have a strong desire to have time to yourself. And you are solemn: you are generally serious and do not joke much.
Your choices are driven by a desire for organization.
You are relatively unconcerned with achieving success: you make decisions with little regard for how they show off your talents. You value independence a bit more: you like to set your own goals to decide how to best achieve them.

But a few other numbers they gave me, Values...Helping others at 67% and Stimulation at 71%

Actual I made my walking steps of 5,000 and will increase it up to 7,500 for May.until I
My daily average steps was 5,365 and I figure 2,000 steps to a mile. So that average out 2.75 miles.

Now many of you know I start to do FITDAY which helps me keep track of my foods and activities.
I only done it it little over week and I feel it doesn't give me an honest break down. So I believe next month report I can look at more objectively.

It finely warm up a bit here in North Idaho.
The warmest day was on the 28th and it got up to 73 (22)
The coldest day was on the 1st and the 3rd, down to 27 (2.7)
Average high 53 (11.6) Average low is 37 ( 2.7)

Editor note...I will be gone to Oregon visiting my son and daughter in law. I doubt I will blog when I'm visiting. Will start up once I return.

Coffee is on

Today Is Tuesday, April 30, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  Last day of the month. Since it was the last day. I try to get the photo looking west from my driveway. It has been cloudy most of the da...