Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Before Noon

Last thing we did before noon was go to Safeway Last thing we did before noon was go to Safeway. They had chicken for .79¢ a pound. So we got four of them. Will end up with eight meals and two bags of odds and ends for stew. A whole chicken is just to much for the two of us.
The other piece of meat was a shank ham for .99¢ a pound. Not exactly what we will be doing with the ham. I know will make some type of soup with the bone. We got lentil here.
Bananas are little higher at Safeway, .59¢ a pound most of the other place are little cheaper. Not that much that I have to drive. The fuel would cost me more then what is being save. Oh the had a five pound box of tangerines for three something. I always look though the discount section. I got 4 yogurts for .25¢ each.

Finely got the stuff out of the basement pantry. Took three box of item to local thrift store. Actual it wasn't that long ago it was gone though. Next it should be organized.
Out of the basement pantry I made up small sack of food that could be given to our local food bank. Nothing wrong with it. But it something we just don't care to eat. I keep hearing that local food pantry can always use some help.
Organization wouldn't hurt the pantry in the basement.

Put up a few of my Christmas Decoration. I bought some mugs with Cats on them. But only found one of them. For family get together we have white elephant exchange. One of the gifts is a mug with a coffee table book and freshly ground coffee from Nectar of Life.
I would like to find the other mug but only paid a dollar for it.

The pillow cases I been working on is coming a long nicely. Got all the leaves done. Right now I'm embroidering in some smaller circles being done in a turquoise.

Coffee is on


  1. Fun diary blog - Look forward to more. :)

  2. I've been making stuff that might scare you. :-)

  3. Almost prefect or perfect it is all perfect to me. Thanks for sharing your musings! Wendy

  4. I love the idea of a white elephant exchange between family!

  5. I don't look at my blog as a dairy...I call it hodge podge of what ever.


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...