Saturday, December 03, 2011

Photo Hunt (Ripped)

This weeks photo hunt I was actual hoping something better would come along. But I did find this ceramic ornament that was ripped among the seams.
What usual cause a rip like this is pulling your molds to early or late.
But I never notice it in the greenware stage so it got clean and's ok to hang on our yule tree.

I just read that TN CHICK
won't be hosting photo hunt. I've total enjoy being part of it. I only wish the best for her and her family.

Out where I'm at we only have dial up. If someone else would like to take up the hunt I would still be glad to be a part of the hunt.


  1. Shame about the rip still if it's on the tree nobody will see!

    I hope the hunt will go on. Several people look like they want to host so it looks as if we will still play

  2. I'm too busy to host any such thing.

  3. Anonymous9:07 PM

    It looks fine to me. Ok, maybe a bit holey, but it wouldn't keep me from hanging it.

  4. Too bad about the ceramic ornament, it is still an ornament though :)

    Hope we will keep up the hunt.


  5. I am sure it will look just perfect on the tree :-)

  6. That's a pity, but it happens !
    Next week's Saturday Hunting theme is "Christmas Decoration" or others
    on my photo blog Keyhole Pictures


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