Monday, April 20, 2009

The Dirt Been Flipped Around

Yesterday was a struggle for me. I had to just force my self to do dishes. I was so burned out from my job.
I saw the dishes sitting there on the counter and more I seen them the more I just want to punch someone or something.
I real can’t blame anyone or even my self for feeling this awful angry.
It’s how I felt.

One thing was my saving grace was that Murphy and I did some transplanting of tomatoes into larger containers.
Had a chance to start some more celery seeds. Then we started a new batch of broccoli and cauliflower seeds.
Confession time…I was about ready to give up on my onion seeds But it looks like they’re coming right along now

One of my job and it helps that I take Donna dog Rex for a walk and we parked at the turn off to Reservation. And walk North out on county road.
One thing I notice is some plants coming up and if I was going to guess they where either trilliums or seagull lily (Morman potatoes)
I haven’t yet notice any trees in full of leaves or even a few full ones on them. I have to say some are close

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We finely got a rottiller out here to do our veggie garden spot. I want to buy some pressure treated lumber to built boxes.
I’m thinking of getting 8 or 12 foot in length depending on price. So we can build some boxes.
I figure we will be doing 3 or 4 boxes. We can only afford right around $100 for lumber. It’s better then a sharp poke in the eye with stick.

This evening I started some red winter wheat in 4 inch round planters.
So I can make some wheat grass juice


  1. Growing your own vegies? that's a great idea! I would like to try my hand at that too. :)

  2. Holding down a job and trying to keep your house clean takes a lot of energy and when the job takes most of it, there's not much left over for cleaning so it's no wonder you feel so burned out.

    Good for you for growing your own veggies. As you know, I also have a large veggie garden and although it does take a lot of work to maintain it, it's worth all the effort:-) We won't be planting anything in ours, though, until the end of May/early June. Otherwise there's still a chance of frost if we plant it any earlier. Our growing season is so short!!

    Hope you feel better soon! With Winter finally over with, maybe a lot of us can get our energy back:-) xoxo

  3. Wow... looks like you're going to have a wonderful garden. I never heard of Mormon potatoes. I'll have to go look them up.

    Hope you are feeling better than you were when you posted this. Seems like the blues are going around.


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Today Is February 27, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Still putting my photos on thumb drive. Went to the library to have there techie person help me set up my new phone. Still learning my way ...