Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Head or Tail (Under) + Tackle It Tuesday

This is a true HEADS or TAILS week as the choices are HEADS - Anything in the sky or space *OR* TAILS - Anything in or under the water.
I choose tails

One thing my parents did together was fish and during the winter they would head up to Kootenay Lake in British Columbia, Canada, and fish.
As they where in Canada I would stay at My Uncle Henry and Aunt Eve.
Well not sure of the year I’m sure it was in 1960’s my parents took a fishing trip up to Kootenay Lake.
Under the water swam a Dolly Varden and my Mom hooked the fish and I wish I could tell you a fish tale of how long it took her to landed this fish.
Well it was the 2nd biggest fish caught out of the lake that year and it weight 24 pounds or 10.8 kg.
I’ve seem some large fish caught when I grew up and once while someone will land a good size fish.

To see others head or tail Click here

This project was going to be done this up coming spring and in resent history Bart some how put his pick-up in the ditch and

back into our old mail box for a very short time we tried to hold it in place trying to figure out how and where we will place to new mail box.
This time of year the ground is frozen.
But we had an ideal in what area we wanted the mailbox but we weren’t sure what we wanted to put the mailbox on.
So Murphy came up with ideal but before we could move on we needed some welding done and both of my boys can weld

Bart did the welding and I was wondering if we were going to get the welder lite.

When Murphy Grandmother Charlotte passed away somehow we ended up with this stand and we believed it was to rock cutting stand.
So it became our mailbox stand but it might have to be moved a little.

To see more Tackle project please Click here


  1. What a wonderful story about your mother. :o)

  2. Great job on the mail box. The general shape reminds me of a cow. You could paint it black and white and attach some horns. ;)

  3. I would love to catch a 24 pound fish!

    Have a great Tuesday.
    Come by and visit!

  4. Hi Peppylady! This is Glinda from Teeny Manolo, and I have some great news! Please email me at theglinda@gmail.com!

  5. I loved Kootenay Lake....I use to go camping there....I love the Kootenays period....did you ever go on the fishing trip with them?

    I see you have snow....are you getting hit with the ice storms?

  6. that's a huge fish! I'v'e never heard of that kind of fish. I hope it was good eating (and a lot of eating!).

  7. I have never caught a Dolly Varden but my husband has. I am glad you have good memories of BC. Thanks for popping by my blog and leaving a comment it is always welcome

    Cariboo Ponderer

  8. That a great tackle. I should be industrious like that. Thanks for stopping by.

  9. Anonymous11:42 PM

    great job on the mailbox. cool! =)

  10. ha ha-very cool! looks great!

  11. I used to love fishing as long as someone else baited my hook for me. :)

    That was one HUGE fish your mother caught!


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