Thursday, January 16, 2025

Today Is Thursday, January 16, 2025: This Is What Happened.

I’m staying home today. I don’t mind staying home, but I wouldn’t want to do it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Right now, I know I will be coming across as a hypocrite. I like a challenge. I believe challenges are a great way to grow. They explore possibilities.

Every month, ART JOURNAL JOURNEY comes with a theme, or, as I like to use the term, a challenge. Quite a few times, I couldn’t come up with anything, or I was intimidated to take part. Or I could say I sat on my hands and did nothing. This month’s challenge is dots! I recall coloring dots. I’ve been trying to find a company that could make a custom-made dot-to-dot coloring book.

It is THURSDAY THIRTEEN. I’m going to tackle the letter L.

Lady...One of my distant cousins. On her death, certified, her occupation was a “Lady,” I sure wouldn’t call myself a lady. I swear. (A still life with a cherry bottle – unknown time – unknown place)

Leo... My youngest son's actual name is Leo. People ask me if he was born under the sign of Leo. No, he was born under the sign of Taurus.

Licorice... I like licorice. My mother didn’t care for it. When she was still in Nebraska. She found a whiskey bottle and sold it to the bootlegger. With that nickel, she bought a bag full of licorice. She ate the entire bag. Which made her sick. My Grandma Olive, my mom’s mom. If candy was brought in house. It was divided equally between all. My grandparents had 12 offspring’s.This happened before 1937.

Loud... I’m not a fan of super loud noise.

Lake Louise. I have been to Lake Louise up in Canada.

Love...It is something that can be looked at in different ways. I know it is real. (Girl with mandolin – Unknown time – Location Unknown)

Larry...There was a boy named Larry in my first-grade class. He and I would jump off a wood shed roof. I also have a cousin named Larry.

Lost...For me, being lost is nerve-wracking. I have never been seriously lost. I have, more or less, gotten my barring off.

Lambrain...Our elected President Trump called some person a Lambrain. Well, he should look in the mirror.

Liver...I like liver.

Lake...We have a lake and mountain peak called Long.

Lipstick. I would be out in public without makeup, which includes lipstick.

Louisiana...I have listed two books in my good read shelf under Louisiana. DIARY OF A MISFIT. And MIDDLE PASSAGE (Still life with a boar’s head – 1949 – Location Unknown)

I send an card to Poet. She pass out at Bingo, a week ago Thursday. She is home. I briefly talk to her husband Fleming in store. For some reason her blood pressure was off.

Today art movement is, CUBISM. When cubism is mention, I think of Pablo Picasso. EMIL FILLA who works I will be sharing. I’ve even done or should say play around with cubism.

Coffee is on.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Today Is Wednesday, January 15, 2025. This is what Happened.


I usually don't start my blog post this time of the day. I thought I would get a start on it. Considering I'm having bite eat with Qunella at super one deli. They have good soup. Super reasonable priced. Afterward I'm going to my watercolor class. (The Annunciation – 1849/1850 – Located at the tate)

I thought yesterday was Wednesday. But today is. My shoes and sock was the last thing I put on today. I'm connecting with WORDLESS WEDNESDAY

Made to lunch at small bowl of Lobster bisque. It was $2 something. I need $3 for the donation can. It is for my watercolor class. (Dante version of Rachel and Leah – 1855 – Located at the Tate)

Today art movement is AESTHETICISM, which I never heard of. But I have heard the term “Art for art's sake” I will be sharing the work of DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETI. At first I didn't recognized his name put I did recognized these art piece. (Proserpine – 1874 – Located at the TATE.)

Coffee is on. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Today Is Tuesday, January 14, 2025: This Is What Happened.

In the late afternoon, I played around with my GELI PLATES. For now, let's call it a learning experience.

Put gas in pick up. $30 put a half a tank of gas. Murphy talked about getting the tires rotated. Soon, we need to replace the tires. Like most things in our life. Figuring out the money part of it. Money issues sometimes can be crippling. But we will get through it. Sometimes, I need to pull some money out of my IRA (Individual Retirement Account) to cover my 2025 cost. Like house insurance, car insurance, and property tax. We're choosy about what we pull out of the IRA with fires in California. Insurance is going to increase. (Meduza - 1904 - Location Unknown)

Murphy and I made a dump run. When I was younger, going to the dump was an adventure. I took it forward. I recall riding in a green 1957 GMC pickup with my dad. Going to the dump was a thrill. These days, not as much. (Red Umbrella - 1917 - Location Unknown)

We went to the senior center and had lunch. They serve pork chops. (Strange Garden- 1902/1903 - Place Unknown)

I will be sharing the SECESSION art movement today, which I have never heard of. The artist I'm featuring today is JOZEF MEHOFFER. I haven't recognized his name or work.

Coffee is on.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Today Is Sunday, January 12, 2025: This Is What Happened.

This is just a paragraph post. Yesterday, Murphy and I went to a memorial service for Murphy's Aunt Eunice, who died on Christmas. She was 90. We drove to Coeur d'Alene. Bart came over.

I went to town. I bought one and a half dozen eggs, almost $7.00. I washed another section of the wall. Under a corner table, there were some boxes, mainly of papers. They were divided into four categories: papers that needed to be destroyed, things that we both needed to go through, things that went to the trash, and a few items to the thrift store.

Today's art movement is ART NOUVEAU. I'm only featuring one work of FERDINAND HODLER.

(What The Flower Say – 1893 – Located, KUNST BASEL MUSEUM )

Coffee is on.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Today, Is Friday, January 10, 2025: This Is What Going to Happened.

Today, I will combine my feature art movement with Friday Face Off. The art movement will be SOCIAL REALISM. And for the face-off. The work is of DIEGO RIVERA. (Portrait of the Young Girl Elenita Carrillo Flores – 1952 – Private Collection)

I got my car. It’s strange how they forgot about me. I guess there is a first time for everything. I have no desire to change the garage. They had a local lube place here. Some of their workers want to discuss political crap with you. One such worker. Brought up his political ideals and such. Here is one of them. During the pandemic, if you got hit by a car and killed. On your death certificate, they would put that you died from “Covid.” I’m sure not everyone wants or needs to hear about my liberal point of view. Mennonites own the garage. They don’t want to talk politics or try to save your soul. ( The Organization Of Agrarian Movement – 1926 – Located at CHAPINGO MEXICO)

I had lunch at the senior center. They stuffed peppers. I like stuffing peppers. They did it with shredded beef. I’ve always made it with ground meat. Plus, there was a food giveaway.

I ran down to the library to make an appointment to have their techie person help me set up my new phone. (History of Mexico – 1929 to 1935 – Located at NATIONAL PLACE OF MEXICO)

Someone told me that Poet passed out during Bingo. They called an ambulance for her. She has past out there before. As I understand, her blood pressure was on the low side. No one knows how she is doing. (Portrait of Ruth Rivera – 1949 – Private Collection)

Read some in my book and do general housework.   

Thursday, January 09, 2025

Today Is Thursday, January 9, 2025: This Is What Happened.


This is the first time this year I have participated in RAIN FRANCES CREATION. The only one I'm participating in is art, and the theme is BODYBUILDING. One of many ways to build up your body is yard work. (This is also my photo of the day.)

Now it's time to take part in Thursday Thirteen. I will list 13 things or something that starts with the letter Y.

The color "yellow" This color either reminds me of bright sunshine. Or thirst.

The word "yes" Is okay to say yes.

The word "Yarn" means I have a few strands of cotton yarn, which I crochet washcloth. It has been some time since I crochet.

The word "Youth" Sure, I was young and foolish.

The word 'Yell" I don't think I yelled all that much.

The Finish language doesn't have the letter y.

There is only one county start letter, y, "Yemen."

"YANGTZE "Is the longest river, and it starts with the letter Y.

As far as I know, none of my ancestor surnames or given names start with the letter "Y."

Our "year" is 365 days. It takes our planet to go around the sun,

"Yard" We have a good side yard. The term railroad yard is where they hook up train cars.

“Yams” a food. I like yams.

"Yogurt" is a food. I like yogurt.

I was asked how far I am from the Los Angeles, California fire. I'm about a little over 1,400 miles or  

2253 Kilometer. I paid some bills, and we're not broke. Although we sure aren't going on any long trips. Yesterday, I dropped my car off to be serviced, and somehow, they forgot about my vehicle. They apologized. So. they got it in right away. I will pick it up tomorrow. Stop at the store for their produce sale. Avacado and or mango were on sale for 4 for $5.00. We got 2 of each. Also, a 5-pound bag of potatoes was on sale for .98¢

Today's art movement is EXPRESSIONISM. I will share three works by KARL ROTTLUFF SCHMIDT.

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Today Is Wednesday, January 8, 2024: This Is What Happened.

For the last couple of days, I've been trying to get a post up, but there have been roadblocks all over the place, although nothing bad.

There are 357 days left in 2025. As of today, my camera and computer are on friendly terms. So far, I've taken three photos. Yesterday, I drove down and picked up Liz at the Spokane airport.

So, I will mention taking a photo a day. I won't be sharing them all here on my blog. Occasionally, I will post a picture of the day on my blog. I will try to post them daily on my INSTAGRAM account.

The other day, the coffee pot went out. Right now, I'm using an old camp coffee pot. I ordered a new one, though, at Wall Mart. For the other photo, I just held my camera above my head and snapped a picture.

On the tired side. So, there is no art movement.

Coffee is on.

Sunday, January 05, 2025

Today Is Sunday, January 5, 2025: This Is What Happened.

(Donkey and Cart – 1881 – Place Unknown)

I'm clueless why for the last few years. At the start of the New Year. The camera and computer don't want to get along. Simple, they don't want to connect. But now they are. Strangely, I have wanted to do a daily photo for several years—365 of them. But like I said, my camera and computer don't want to get long. Well, they're 361 days. So I decided to google "people who take photos every day of the year." I took the THIRD ONE. The other one, a head, was from A—I and Reddit. I bet INSTAGRAM would be a good place to look for daily photos.

(Boy Cutting Grass-1881-Located KROLLERMULLER)

I've been creative today. I'm working on a page in my art journal. The page was started yesterday

Saturday the 4th, at Art Intuition. I wrote a letter saying goodbye to 2024.)

(Young Peasant Girl in Straw Hat Sitting in a Wheat Field -1889 – Private Collection)

We washed the bathroom and kitchen sink and laundered Murphy's shirts. We said he needed to go through them. He sure isn't lacking in shirts. Then, we did general upkeep on the house.

We haven't washed the walls since Murphy woke up with leg cramps. More or less, that was on the agenda. Well, who knows about tomorrow? For me, it is my moonth. My version of the Sabbath.

Did a little time on the treadmill. The ground is mucky.

(Orleanders – 1888 – Location - MET MUSUEMS)

Today's art movement is POST IMPRESSIONISM, and I will choose a well-known artist, VINCENT VAN GOGH. As most of you know, Vincent had a mental health issue. We have learned and still learn about mental health. and are still learning about it. But we don't treat mental illness right. Maybe slightly worse than Vincent's time. I used the word slightly.

Coffee is on.

Saturday, January 04, 2025

Today Is Saturday, January, 4, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Today Is Saturday, January, 4, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9
questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer the questions, however, and here is today's questions!

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it HERE.

  1. We're beginning the year with a song about new beginnings. What is something new you'd like to try in 2025? I'm usually up for an adventure. Go up hot air balloon.

  2.  The lyrics recall what was said "in the mist of the midnight hour." Where were you when the new year dawned? Asleep. I'm dull. But usual dull keeps one out trouble. Right?

  3.  The Axwell of Axwell and Ingrosso is Axel Hedfors. He began as a drummer and moved on to experimenting musically on the computer, eventually mastering music sequencer software. Do you consider yourself more a technophile like Axwell, who loves technology and digital devices, or more a technophobe, anxious about learning new programs? I like to try some photo editing. Or all the do-hickies on my camera.

( In the park-date unknown) 

    4) His musical partner is Sebastian Ingrosso. Sebastian became interested in dance music when he accompanied his father, a choreographer, to the studio. When you were young, did you ever go to work with either of your parents? My father worked on fright trains. I went to the yard and he took me on tour. I even went in one diesel engine. And blew the horn. My mother ran a raspberry and strawberry patch. I picked berries. People ask me if I'm good and fast picker. Well the truth is I'm not.

    5) Axwell & Ingrosso gave their premiere performance at the 2014 Governors Ball Music Festival in New York City and their last concert at the 2017 Ultra Music Fest in Miami. Looking back on 2024, did you attend any outdoor music or theater performances? I went to my first drag show. Does that account. Also I went a local play.

    6) In 2017, when "Something New" was released, we lost the TV star who could "turn the world on with her smile." Without looking it up, do you know who that is? No

(Portrait of the artist life - 1915) 
  1. Also in 2017, Today Show anchor Hoda Kotb announced she had adopted her first child. Do you know anyone who is adding to their family in 2025? I don't know

  2. Have you made any New Year's resolutions for 2025? Not really. But I try to be the best person I can. Hopefully it helps make the world a better place.

  1.  9) What was the first thing to make you laugh in 2025? I was laughing watch some ole TV show, couple night go. But I don't recall the show.

    Yes, I never heard of this song before or the artist. You can add your LINK HERE

I haven't tried uploading photos from my camera for a while, and I haven't even taken any. It seems around the end of the year or the first part of the year for some reason. The camera and computer aren't on friendly terms.

(Nude combing her hair-1903)

A couple of packages arrived, some hard candy and powder eggs. There are still some books I ordered for Christmas gifts for those down in Oregon. Now it says it will be there on the 8th, a day earlier. I am not ordering anything in February.

I will be ordering in March. I know I will have to order Art Journal for my Granddaughters Claudia and Bree. I will also give each one a little more, plus their siblings.

We went to art down at the local tea shop and had some ginger-flavored tea. We wrote a letter to the year 2024 and did a page opening to 2025.

Today's art movement is Neo-Impressionism. I watched a few videos on this subject. I like most impressionist work. Today, I will be sharing the works of HIPPOLYTE PETITJEAN, whom I had never even heard of. He didn't do that many works, So I'm leaving a link for those who want to look at his works. The painting I'm sharing's location is unknown.

Coffee is on.

Today Is Thursday, January 16, 2025: This Is What Happened.

I’m staying home today. I don’t mind staying home, but I wouldn’t want to do it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Right now, I know I will b...