Monday, October 14, 2024

Today Is Monday, October 14, 2024: This Is What Happened.

I had fairly big plans for today, but I'm a little on the tired side. Even after the small hike Murphy and I took, my brain is not firing on all cylinders. I'm walking around like a zombie. I slept super hard. I'm still not totally awake. I was going to call Magic Jack and talk to customer care. Hopefully, I will be more alert.

I have been watching OUTSIDE ART on YouTube. And just maintaining the place. Oh, yes. I did some art also today.

Coffee is on.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Today Is Sunday, October 13, 2024: This Is What Happened.

I have no reason why I haven't posted in the last 24 hours. As you see, the world is still here.

Murphy and I took a drive up Ball Creek and did a short hike. I made a brief list of things I want to get done for the coming week, like calling the company that handles my VOIP. And I can tell you one more chore I have on my list: get my application for energy assistant. It helps me with our heating for 4 to 6 months of the year.

Don't ask why I even thought of this. But this would be the worst case scenario. That Trump wins the popular vote. But lose the Electoral College vote. It doesn't matter how it comes out of the election. Unless Trump wins, it will be rigged. What a jerk. Well when trump was running against Hillary Clinton. Trump never got the popular vote. Trump popular vote, 62,984,828 and Clinton popular vote, 65,853,514. Looks like Clinton won the popular vote by 2,868,687

Today's artwork is by SALVADOR DALI. I don't think I've seen this piece of his art. I'm having pizzia and green salad for dinner.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Today Is Friday, October 11, 2024: This Is What Happened.

For some reason, the landline doesn't work. Our line land is actually a V O I P. We pay $45 a year for our phone. I tried looking up the local phone company to see what their base monthly cost is. My friend Qunella still has a landline. I still know my parents' phone number. Now, I hardly know anyone's phone number

Murphy and I went to the senior center for lunch. We had fried chicken. I had a drumstick. What I like the most is the mashed potatoes and country gravy. Before that, we went down to the post office. I picked up an international stamp. The last time I bought one, it was .95¢ and today I paid $1.65. When we got home, we removed the air conditioner from the bedroom.

Today's painting is "Two Peasant Boy With a Kite" by Alexey Venetsianova. Here are some more of his works. I don't even recall last time I even flew a cat. 

Coffee is on.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Today Is Wednesday, October 9, 2024: This Is What Happened.


Simple day. Like over 97.3% of my days. I had coffee with Qunella at Under The Sun. Stop at a thrift store and just looked around. I bought nothing. Stop at the store. I got a package of pork chops. So, we had pork chops with some noodle dishes and fried apples for dinner. I got the apples at the senior center food giveaway. I thought everyone knew about fried apples. One of the people asked me what I was planning to do with the apples. I said fried them. She never heard of fried apples. The last thing I ate was Mandarin. One more thing. I have jury duty. I have to show up to court in the morning. 

Today's art is by ROMARE BEARDEN. I found his work when I was over at WIKI ART. Do a search using "Jelly." Here is some more work by this artist.

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Today Is Tuesday, October 8, 2024: This Is What Happened.

I'm taking a short break. I just vacuumed the inside of my car. After I get my post up, I will take a damp rag and wipe out my car.

I went to the senior center, and they had chicken tortilla soup with a nice green salad and peaches. Plus, there was a food giveaway. I called the tables for the food giveaway. I thought it was nerve-racking—calling numbers, that is.

I went through some more books. I have some kids' books to send to my grandchildren, but I need another book. The piles of books aren't even. I doubt it would bother anyone, but it bothers me. I might even work on my books.

Murphy and I had a nice hike yesterday. It has been ages since we've been up by the Canada, Montana, and Idaho lines. We sure don't hike the distance we used to.

Coffee is on.

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Today Is Sunday, October 6, 2024: This Is What Happened.

It's been a while since my hip has bothered me. Well, today, it decided to act up. I definitely didn't tell it to act up.

Murphy and I went to town to get a few items. I thought it would cost around thirty dollars, but I was $10 off.

I keep looking at pumpkins to carve, but I send a good chunk of my retirement check off to my credit card. I just want to get paid off. Darn lawn mower. Usually, I can pay the credit card off in one or two months. Pumpkins are .49¢ a pound. So no jack o lantern.

Before the store, stop and slip a check at the water company place. They have a box with a slit—water bill for the month: $68.

There are less than 30 days until our presidential election. We don't vote for the President. We actually vote for ELECTORAL. Idaho has FOUR ELECTROL VOTES. Opinion time...Something needs to be done with the electoral collage. My state isn't in play. The majority of people here will cast for Trump. I will be glad when this election is over. I'm staying in my home for a few days after the election. There are too many crazies out there.

I got my to-do list done. One thing is to go for a hike up in the mountains.

Saturday, October 05, 2024

Today Is Friday, October 5, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Took a morning walk right around 9. I love watching the colors change.

I've been watching plenty of YouTube videos. It finally came across the television. I figure it could get out of control. One of the bounds is that I don't watch it before 10 a.m. I need to come up with two more bounds.

I took the old lamp out of the larger guest room and put in a new one that works. Murphy and I wrapped up some trees today. Deer are hard on them, mostly the alpine fir. There have been deer found with CHRONIC WASTING DISEASE. The deer around here coming into winter look fairly good.

Did two artist trading cards today.

Coffee is on.

Friday, October 04, 2024

Today Is Friday, October 4, 2024: This Is What Happened.


I wonder how my artist painted Iris. Most of the time, I think of Vincent Van Gogh. But I'm sharing an iris painting done by ALBRECHT DURER. I'm not sure how many flower pictures he did.

But it looks like he did over 800 WORKS.

But air in wheelbarrow tires. I forgot to mention yesterday that I pulled the books off the shelf in separate piles. One of the piles is a children's book. Notice I only have three of the Flower Fairies. There are eight of these books, or I could buy one book that covers all of them. The reason I moved the book off the shelf is that I can move the shelf so I can have an easier time getting to the plug-in behind the bookcase.

We had lunch at the senior center. The meal was orange chicken over rice.

I will get back to my artist trading cards. Here is one I'm linking to FRIDAY FACE OFF. It has been ages since I have done a Halloween Costume. My mother made most of my Halloween costumes. Sewing to her was therapy. But for some odd reason unknown to me. I want a gas pump costume. In 1960, the year I was born, gas was right around .30¢ a gallon.

Coffee is on. 

Thursday, October 03, 2024

Today Is Thursday, October 3, 2024: This Is What Happened.

I remember the last time I made biscuits and sausage gravy. Well, I made them this morning. Murphy and I went to the meat sale in town. We got roast beef, which was on sale for $3.98 a pound. I like roast beef sandwiches. I also like running leftover roast beef through a meat grinder and adding boiled potatoes. I cook it up together. Plus, I poach a cup of eggs.

I never had a political sign in my yard. It doesn't bother me if someone has a political sign about it. Statement time...It bothers me more. To see political signs after the election, I would like to know who put the signs up. After the election, take down the sign. We have political signs of THEIF in our midst.

I have only seen one Harris/Watz sign in my county, and I haven't seen many Trump/Vance signs. I'm 97.3% sure that Trump will take Idaho. Maybe another day. I will post about the Electoral College and closed primaries.

Yesterday, in art at the senior center, we did a fall scene with a mailbox or a birdhouse. I'm generally pleased with it, but my background color is not as so. I linking to  ART JOURNAL JOURNEY October theme of Autumn colors and inspiration.

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Today Is Wednesday, October 2, 2024: This Is What Happened.

No one kidnapped me. It was Thursday early evening, the 26th of last month. We had quite the storm—heavy winds, rain, lightning, and thunder. Well, we lost power for over 24 hours. But I didn't have internet until yesterday. The storm damaged it. The company I get my internet service from has excellent customer service. Plus, the techie person hooks up with Roko.

On Saturday, the 29th, Murphy and I went to Spokane for Bart's father-in-law's memorial service. Bart's parents know how to put on an event. When I go, I want a celebration like Dave had. I laughed so hard that a few times, I thought I was going to pee my pants.

I went to the senior center, which meant Qunella and Lolita were there. We all stayed for art. I still need to do a little more work on my page. Then I stopped in at Safeway. They had a few items on sale. Avocados are 77¢each. Then I stopped at the pharmacy. The person I was by. It smelled so bad.

Coffee is on.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Today Is Wednesday, September 25, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Murphy and I are moving this stone. Using sticks as leavers and boards to slide them across. It has been some time since I linked to WORDLESS WEDNESDAY

I did general things around the place. I put money on my credit card. If nothing major goes wrong, I plan to pay it off before my retirement check in October. I went over to visit Liz today. We're having roast pork for dinner tonight.

Coffee is on.

Today Is Monday, October 14, 2024: This Is What Happened.

I had fairly big plans for today, but I'm a little on the tired side. Even after the small hike Murphy and I took, my brain is not firi...