Monday, March 03, 2025

Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is struggling with her PTSD. Hopefully she start to feel better. Did some general chores around the place. Got our electric bill. Pick up my Qvar for my asthma. Haven't yet heard on the impact of economic shut down, last day of February. I doubt one day would of made any difference for places like walmart, target, or amazon. Statement time...One thing that gets me about buying from smaller place is the cost of shipping. Earlier today I was looking at jigsaw puzzle store. I would have to order $75 worth to get free shipping.

Coffee is on. 

Saturday, March 01, 2025

Today is Saturday, March 1, 2025: This Is What Happened.

Neither I or my husband spend any money yesterday. We took part in economic blackout. Trying to find out the status on it.

Slowly getting photos of my laptop, onto a thumb drive. 

Took a short walk today. 

Stop at the thrift store. Spend seventeen cents. And let them keep the change. This thrift store helps animals.

Went to art insight journaling. At LORE

Start to set up the month of April in my bullet journal.

Coffee is on. 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Today Is February 27, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Still putting my photos on thumb drive. Went to the library to have there techie person help me set up my new phone. Still learning my way around it. Plus got my inter-library loan book, STATUS UPDATE. I'm currently over 80% the book I'm into now. WILD WOOD TAROT

After the library I went over to Under the Sun. And had cup coffee with my friend Qunella. Later in the afternoon we went to the senior center. The only reason we need to file tax is for the Idaho food tax credit. We will get $240 back from the state. Idaho charges 6 percent sale tax on food. I called it a regressive tax. It hurts the lower income people. Personally I like to see they pull sale tax off of food. Even charge higher rate on other goods. 

I'm planning to take part in the THE NATIONAL BLACKOUT DAY tomorrow. My car has full tank of gas. There some other black out up coming.

Coffee is on.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Today Is Tuesday, February 25, 2025: This Is What Happened.

At time I feel our devices have there own personality. For some strange reason my laptop start to act normal. Suddenly all of my photos came back. At this time I'm putting them all on thumb drives. Who knows when my laptop will decided to hide them. 

We sure live in an crazy world. Not sure how many heard about the going down in Kootenai County Idaho. Which isn't far from me. Less then an 2 hour drive. I will share two videos on dragging a people out of town hall meeting, who dissent or have different point a view. Bunch of NAZI. VIDEO ONE and VIDEO TWO. Then also this Sheriff was pulling books out different library in Kootenai County here is an VIDEO. And also an ARTICLE.

Went and had my yearly annual. All looks good. Need to do my yearly mammogram. Had swiss steak at the senior center. Should be on more. Not sure when I will be posting photos.

Coffee is on. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Today Is Tuesday, February 19, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Murphy and I went to the senior center for lunch. They had an potato bar. It was very good. Finley took in bag of clothes to the thrift store. Mostly shirts.

Coffee is on.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Today Is Sunday, February 16, 2025: This Is What Happened.

Got an appointment with the tech person, at the Library.  But she only gives an one hour of time to each person. So hopefully there enough time to take care of my phone and lap top. The bad part of the appointment it not until Thursday February the 27th. A lease it not in March. 

Tonight for dinner we had stew for dinner tonight.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Saturday, February, 15, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Having issue with my lap top. I think it the operating system. It act like chrome and window 10 is having an fight. For some reason I have no photo in my file. They went bye-bye. Hopefully when I go into the library later in the month. We can figure out what is going on. I can post. But don't want to do any photos at present time.

Coffee is on. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

Today Is Monday, February 10, 2025: This Is What Happened.

Still cold! My crud is pretty much over. For some odd reason I will have a minor coughing bout, at night. I feel some what ambitious. ( Sketch for the play - 1933 - Style Art Deco - Genre  design, sketch and study)

I'm wrapping up my dinner with some plain popcorn. (Joy Street - 1932 - Constructive - sketch and study, design)  

Paid bills. I went over to CPT. To see what percentage is paid out to bills. Our electric bill is 5.73% of our income. Now let check out my husband medical bill. It comes to 2.2% , Our water bill is 4.53%. Kind of interesting. We will be going over to the hospital to pay off Murphy bill. That was 5.33%. The other day Murphy got one of his medication. Well the answer is 0.27% I'm curious what we spend on food. (Hurriel Acosta - 1929 - Style Art Deco - Genre design, sketch and study)

Tomorrow, we have some errand in town. Plus lunch at the senior center. (Whites - 1930 - style 

Art Nouveau (Modern) - Genre design, art and study) 


Today art movement is ART DECO. And I will be sharing some of the works of PETRE OTSKHELI Wiki-Art didn't have location of his work, that I posted. 

Coffee is on.

Friday, February 07, 2025

Today Is Friday, February 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

Didn't think it was wise to step on to the porch. Didn't have the correct footwear on. But I did manage to get outside. I took out the household trash and put into large trash cans in the garage/shed. Plus went out to the mailbox, and got the mail. One bill. And the other piece, I don't recall what it was. 

Clear blue sky. Like this it usually mean cold. When I got up it was 12 (11.11) Murphy went to town, and did some errands. Plus get some grocery and non food items. Like shampoo. 

(Corner of the Garden Sun – Unknown date – Style Post Impressionism – Genre Landscape – Place Unknown) 

 I think I'm done with this crud. At times my nose will start running. It been sometime since cough. Usually on Saturday, I go to my art insight group. But I feel and extra day at home is wise move. (Liturgy, the Seraph's Costume – 1919 – Style Art Nouveau (Modern) Naive(Primitive) – Genre  Design) 

Today, art movement is RAYONISM. This art movement I never heard of. I posting three artworks of  NATALINA GONCHAROVA (Composition – 1913/1914 – Style Cubism – Genre Abstract – Place Unknown)

Coffee is on. 

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Today Is Wednesday, February 5, 2025: This Is What Happened.


Let just get right to it. Here is what one of my cousin, Della. Posted over on facebook. I am going to say it again. I am glad Trump was re-elected. All the lies the democrats told. the ways they were stealing american tax payer money has been exposed and is being stopped. Unlawful invaders are being sent home so they can't steal our tax money anymore. I am sure it looks like utter chaos to the communist democratic party that has been trying to install communism for many many years has been exposed and is being stopped. I know it's making people angry but we are getting our country back. We have a strong man in office not a puppet. Keep up the great work President Trump! (Self Portrait – 1955 – Style Magical Realism – Location unknown)

Did some drawing. Last week I was planning to go to the new drawing group this morning. And in the afternoon the water color group. Came down with the crud. I did some drawing this morning at home.

Had trouble opening the battery department to my camera. Sprayed with trusty W.D 40. Now it opens. (Homage to the martyrs – 1997/2000 – Style Magic Realism – Genre Symbolic painting – Media oil – Location Unknown)

Since we both have the crud. Nothing extra been done around the place. But we been keeping up with our daily chores. In the past we got most of our snow in December and January. Now it comes in February. It actually snowing at this moment. I understand it going snow most of us the day. Hopefully on Saturday I can go to my art intuitive group. But if this crud is still hanging on me. I won't go. Don't need to spread it. (We are in good health, reassure us – 1976 – Style Magical Realism – Genre Symbolic painting – Unknown place)

Today art movement I will be sharing is. MAGICAL REALISM. And the works of ISMAIL SHAMMOUT. (To Where...? - 1953 – Style Magic Realism, Social Realism – Genre Symbolism painting – Media Oil on Canvas – Place unknown)

Coffee is on. 

Sunday, February 02, 2025

Today Is Sunday, February 2, 2025: This Is What Happened.


Our television went out. We had it for years, so I drove down to Walmart just south of Sandpoint. I got the same size, but the new television was less. Plus, I got a few other things. Like avocados, 77¢ each (Sketch for minesweepers and seaplane – Date 1917/1919 – Style Art Nouveau, expressionism – Genre marina, sketch and study)

I had planned to load up some of my artist trading cards. My camera battery is dead. Amazon seems to have the best price on batteries. I can't see myself totally not using Amazon, but there are other places to shop. Here is a list of BILLIONARE AT TRUMP'S INAUGURATION. On the other hand, we're not short of batteries at this time. (HMCS On Convoy – 1919 – Style Expressionism, realism - Genre marina – Media lithography)

I don't know what our dear leader will be entirely doing with tariffs. The only I know is that the consumer will see an increase in many things. I recall my parents telling me about the ration of items during World War II. I have been trying to find out what and how much the ration was. I found out each person got 8 ounces of sugar a week. Then coffee was at the rate of 1 pound for 5 weeks. And depending on your job, how much gas you get in a week. Both Murphy and I are coffee drinkers. How much coffee do we go through? I watch for the sale on coffee. Last Thursday, they had a little under 3 pounds of can for $5.98. We got two cans. ( Olympic with return soldier – 1919 – Style Art Nouveau – (Modern) Expressionism – Genre Marina – Media oil on canvas )

I washed out the main bathroom sink and the kitchen sink. I also cleaned out two of my clothing drawers, which hold things like my undergarments. I also found some money. Later, I will do the other drawers and daily chores. For dinner tonight, we're having a tuna fish sandwich and, I think, kidney beans.(Harbour defence, winter – 1918/1919 – Style Realism, Expressionism, ink and wash painting – Media lithograph)

Today art movement is MODERISM. Sharing the works of ARTHUR LISMER. A lease the four art works is located at CANADAIN WAR MUSUEMS

Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...