Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Quite, But Not As In Silent

We had quite the storm came though. Lost power most of night and it was restore around seven this morning.
We fair pretty good. I guess worst now is cleaning up yard debris. Some people ended up with tree on there home.
As storm was going though my home shook or maybe a better statement would be it vibrate.

I doubt if you notice but I been get rid of my coffee pals, those who I stop by more frequently. Please don't worry not splitting ways. Just redo things on my blog.
It sort like having two list in different areas. Which is more clutter. One will be fine. So everyone is going under a reading list.
So eventually coffee drinkers will be removed.
Then also there some on the reading list I haven't visit for some time. I went though my blogs on my reading list and notice some haven't post for years.

Just need to move on and find anther area to go though, other then were my game shelf. I like the ideal of possible donating some to a shelter of some kind.
I knew a lady who did quilts for woman shelter.

There times and it quite a few times I get frustrated with techie stuff. And I grew up working with the DEWEY DECIMAL and since google in such I wonder if used much.
Or could be an OUT DATED.
Question time...When was the last time you used a Dewey Decimal? I don't recall last time I use Dewey Decimal or card catalog of all books in our local library. I went straight on computer that has all books listed local in the surrounding areas.

Couple of small items before I sign off. I just ordered a printed manual for my Kodak pix pro az401 camera. Lot of ways it easier for me to have a printed manual to reference. There plenty bells and whistle with this camera. And lot of things I don't use hardly or rarely.
Some how I did record a video and I would like it up on you tube by tomorrow. But the strange thing it black and white, not sure what going on.
This why I need a basic manual

Coffee is on  


  1. I am going to guess the last time I used the Dewey decimal system was around 2000. Glad the storm didn't do too much damage to your place.

  2. Storms can be so scary and do damage.
    Pleased that it didn't do too much damage to you, hope the clearing up goes ok.

    Take Care.

    All the best Jan

  3. Hari OM
    Waaaaay back in history, when I was a student of computing, my graduate work was on computerising the college library; so had to become intimate with Dewey and then undo it! Actually, it is essentially the same, its just that readers don't have to know it now as 'keywords' and 'natural language' enquiry have taken over. YAM xx

  4. I prefer a printed manual too. I can carry it with me or just flip it to the page I need most and leave it on my table. My biggest camera doesn't have a printed manual, so I find things by clicking through the different settings, so far that's been good enough for me.

  5. Our library’s catalogue is all digital, but the stacks are all organized according to Dewey...these days I borrow e books, so no need to go to the library, but occasionally I’ll borrow a book that hasn’t been digitized.

  6. That sounds very scary with the storm.

  7. So glad to know that you fared well during the storm and came through with no major damage!!

  8. Wow. We didn't get anything down here in Boise. I wish we would! I revamp my blog all of the time. I just get bored and need to rearrange, add, and delete, all depending on where I'm at with life. :) - You can donate to the hospitals too, jails, clinics...

  9. Storms freak me out. I'm glad to hear you made it through.


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