Sunday, May 12, 2019

Day Compare To A Week

Friday I was going to visit a few more fellow artist over at PAINT PARTY FRIDAY but things just didn't go that way. So hopeful I can find time to stop in at five artist.

Well Liz out of Behavior health hopeful she keeps the tools she gained. And also my hours are back.
Just paid all of our bills and it sure took a chunk of money out of checking. Thankful I could cover it all and have enough to eat and get to work for the week, possible even tiny bit of luxury.

I been listening some old TED TALKS and all of what I listen to so far been quite interesting. But I wish I knew how to do more then one pod cast at time.

The main reason for this blog post about goals setting and completing one goals.
I used to write out daily to do list and usual I had know trouble completing well over 80% of it. Plus had no trouble marking it off. Once it is completed.

Well now I do just finished up my weekly to do list and goals for week of May 12 to 18. Not much different change from last week goals.
I seem or won't mark off what I completed during the week. But like I said I have no trouble doing it daily.
I know  my goals isn't way out there and wouldn't be impossible to reach and complete.
I won't go into all of them. Here is a small example.
Taking a walk and this is done 3 to 5 times a week, Do two common house hold chores my husband is retire and he can keep up on house.  But I know I do more then two things around the place. Then do something creative daily. Nothing big but work on creative things.
Then I also do new moon goals or monthly goals. May new moon was May 4th. I know I didn't even come close of over whelming my self. But hardly anything been done on my new moon goals.
I have tools to set and complete daily goals. And give my self credit on my completion of daily goals.  But when it comes to weekly or monthly goals it a complete different story. I give my self no credit.

Before I close this post I thought I would share the snow apple tree in bloom.

Coffee is on


  1. I know what you mean about getting nothing done. That seems to be going around lately.

  2. Good to set goals. The tree is beautiful in blossom.

  3. That is a beautiful tree. I don't set daily to-do lists anymore. Last week I wrote one on Tuesday night, things I wanted to get done on Wednesday, but on Wednesday morning I woke up with back pain and could hardly get out of bed, so I didn't get anything done at all. I threw the list away.

  4. I don´t get much done here. And it feels bad.
    The tree is beautiful and cheers one up, thank you!

  5. This tree is beautiful in blossom.
    Happy new week !!!
    Susi xxx

  6. I love goals that are doable! If we make our goals so difficult then we will give up when it appears that we can not achieve them!!!

  7. Oh I love those blooms on your apple tree. Gorgeous. Bet you get some delicious apples. You have some great goals. I never keep up with mine. Used to do well at it, but now with this darn osteo through my body I never know how I am going to feel.

  8. Anonymous3:54 AM

    That is such a beautiful photo, your goals are admirable and you are so dedicated! Thank you for visiting my blog, I hope you have a great week!

  9. beautiful apple tree. I think your to do list is a great idea. I don't do one every week, but I do right down a list of to do things that need to be done. like cleaning out a cabinet, or clean glass doors, clean glass in nook. as I do them I mark them off. I am a list maker for shopping, for packing for a trip.

  10. Love the photo. It's nice to be able to pay all the bills.

  11. Thanks for choosing my blog to visit on PPF ~ Your tree photo is gorgeous!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. I think we are all guilty of not appreciating what we achieve each day Dora, we really should. Love the gorgeous blossom shot, spring is fabulous 🌷

  13. You should definitely give yourself credit for the weekly/monthly goals!

    Beautiful photo.

  14. The apple tree is soooooo pretty, bet it smells heavenly too. I don't do goals much. I have a general outline of things I think should be done each day and I try to divide between what I want to do and what needs to be done. Balance is what life is about.
    <a href=">Sandy's Space</a>

  15. Peppy:

    Your apple tree is VERY pretty. Goals are indeed a tricky thing.... they can help motivate, but they can also make you feel bad when they are not accomplished. It is a difficult task to make goals that are realistic to get the best outcomes. I struggle with it too.



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