Sunday, October 15, 2017

Fun Talent

Never heard of one needs talent to have fun. I went to "paint one on" at a local wine place, called HEART ROCKS WINE. I can see plenty wrong with it. But I was there to have fun. There were five ladies plus owner.
We all basic painted the same thing, and they all look slightly different. I have a "Happy Sheep" who know he miss the slaughter house.

Murphy and I fix the strawberry patch fence, re force it. Then did a little bit of angling on the deck boards, so the water will run off and ice won't form.
Not sure if our deck would be a recycles or repurpose. Most of the lumber came from the shed we tore down from the shed out on the bench.

I had Murphy take some photos of me. I thought I want some newer ones of my self. So I took what I thought was the 3 best out of 15. I know we see our self different then others.

Ziggy was looking in. He will sit by the bathroom door and if he knows some one bathing or shower and soon as we get out, he'll jump right in.
We're always saying to him....Your a strange one, Mr Ziggy.

Still learning more about instgram and I got some of my photos post, but there a few I want to post more.
Weighed in this morning, happy and my goal is to have the T.O.P.S scale to be under 221.50
I drew my next tarot card I'm going to draw, and it the sword of page. I have my vision what I believe it should look like.


  1. Hello Dora, painting draws out your creative talents from you and it is very relaxing.

  2. I have no creative talent whatsoever
    I really like your painting
    Yes. I hate photos of myself as well.
    Thanks for th visit on my blog xx

    1. I wouldn't say anyone have creative talent. I fine being creative is letting my inter child loose

  3. Hari OM
    Love that shot of you Dora - the framing of the autumnal colours is great! Also really like your painting; the sheep immediately drew my eye, as did the glorious sky! YAM xx

  4. Nice photo of you Dora, we have similar colour hair, a bit of colour and a lot of silver.

    1. I thought of putting a little purple in my hair

  5. That paint one on sounds like fun. Nice pic of you with the autumn leaves.

  6. I've heard about those wine and painting nights. I hope you had fun. Great pic of you.

    1. I did have fun, I will go to some more

  7. I'm struggling with working out instagram - I will have to be humble and let my daughters explain it to me better

    1. Isn't it great when our kids help us, with techie stuff


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