Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Nothing Completed But Thats Ok

This morning Murphy and I went into to town and vacuumed out the car, and this point that the only tasks I finished.
Had to into the bank and get a copy of check I wrote for our safety deposit box, the safety deposit box It due the first of May and it was paid mid April and clear our checking account. So the teller couldn't figure why it didn't post.
So she going to talk to someone to see what going on. Another teller brought up late fee...Wrong it was paid before the due date. So my hubby or I will stop in Monday to see if everything is straighten out. There will be no late fee or I will getting a safety deposit box at anther bank.
I believe it will be taken care of.

I've gotten the letter written for Paul, Liz son.

My name is Peppy and I'm Paul mother Liz care giver. You get a chance to meet family and friends of your clients.
This letter is pertaining to Paul.

When Paul isn't drinking and sober he is hard working, honest, kind, responsible, giving, and he has a good sense of humor. And shown me respect.
Since I've known him for around 2 years usual he been employed.

He will go quite a while without drinking and for some unknown reason to me, he will start drinking until he blacks out.
There been two times he has mention that he can hear people think. And this statement was made when he was sober.

Paul needs help. And One thing I wouldn't say he shouldn't be responsible for his choices or action.

Could you please consider sending him to place he may get the correct diagnosis and rehab.

I have no formal training in mental heath but because of my job as a caregiver I've seen plenty of this job.

Hope this letter is taken in consideration...Sign my name.

At this point he been in front of a Judge and the only thing was establish is the amount of bail, which is $10,000.
So Friday the judge will decide is he is going to be charge as misdemeanor or felony. He was charge with fighting in front of minor child.
Not sure if the minor child mother is being charge is should be.
I'm letting his lawyer decide about the letter I wrote. But it a pity he got PUBLIC DEFENDER and they don't don't have the time to put into the cases they handle.

Don't know how many more time I'm going to stop at my niece place to see if she can look at my lap top. She hasn't home.
Not sure how many more time I'm willing to stop in. The only trouble with lap top it won't except any of my photos off my x'd card.
It far from a new lap top and not worth a whole lot.

I got a little father on my crochet rag and last night as I watching Star Trek I made anther ball of red fabric.
So later on I will crochet more of the rug.

Off to Liz tomorrow and hopeful she can get the chance to cut out strips. She want to do a crochet rag rug.
Sheets are usual one to go in making crochet rag rug. One of our thrift store close there doors for good, and I ended up buying and entire paper bag of top sheets.
So this can get her started.

Laundry two loads and still some in the hammer.
Paid my health insurance, and did the floors.
Still looking for donation for DAISY and I will match the donation up to $50.00

Took a photo of the rug I'm working on and the step project for our deck. Since it was such a nice day I took photo one looking east and west.
Gee I miss sharing photos...Coffee is on


  1. Anonymous6:48 PM

    I hope the letter helps. It is a good effort.

  2. Agreed, paul needs help, not jail.

  3. Love the title of your post! On a more serious note: yes, it sounds like Paul needs help. Voluntarily drinking until you black out -- that sounds sad as well as very unhealthy, psychologically and physically. :S

  4. Maybe the SD card has been ruined somehow.

  5. You are a very patient person. Pray Paul takes control of his life.

  6. Hari OM
    Your letter holds worth Dora and I too hope it adds to the ponderings of the court... and it is healthy to accept that what is not done today will still be there for us tomorrow! - and SJ may be onto something; simply putting in a new SD card to the camera and trying that could reveal source of problem... YAM xx

  7. For nothing being completed you achieved a lot, I´d say!
    Fingers crossed Paul gets help. Guess you´re a fosterer by heart.

  8. I agree with S.J.Qualls and Yamini. I was thinking earlier today maybe the card got damaged somehow, maybe it got wet or got too hot, heat can damage them. I think trying a new card is a good idea. Maybe your old one has an out dated program, (I've never heard of an XD card, only SD and HD) like one of my old i-Pods is out dated and it still plays music, but I can't change any of the songs, the computer no longer recognises it since Windows 10.
    I hope the letter helps.

  9. I hope Paul gets some help to sort out his life.

  10. Paul definitely need some help, hope the letter work.

  11. Hope the letter helps and Paul gets the help he needs.

  12. I do hope the letter helps, Paul will benefit so much from additional help ...

    All the best Jan

  13. I hope the letter helps. Is there a way to call your niece to see when she'll be home?


  14. Very helpful suggestions that help in the optimizing website. thank for sharing the link.


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