Sunday, June 04, 2017

I'm Looking Forward Light Load Week

Went to Spokane and seen my son Bart and his family, plus his in laws. He seem to be in good spirits and is back to work but I don't believe full force.
But this up coming Thursday he will see the oncologist, about the tumor they remove oligodendroglioma.
Well the best thing is they caught it early and he healthy.

This hasn't been easy. Confession time...It bothers me that I can't change a thing about my son situation 
See in my life I didn't do great things. But I made things better for how every slightly choice I made or did for my self.
But right now there nothing I can do but give my son hope, love, and support.
At times my eyes water up when I feel helpless.

But Knowing there more positive then not. It give me hope but I have to keep reminding my self of this.

Monday I go to work but before that I'm taking my car in to be service.
 Toward the end of the week Regis hip and leg was bothering him.
He briefly talk to his regular doctor receptionist about it and since we been trying to get his hip surgery lined up.
It was suggested he get hold of his orthopedic surgeon, and see if he is willing to do anything for the pain.
One of his friends brought over one of his pain pill and it did give him some relieve. But it dealing with the black market and times one has to.
So Monday morning I'll call his orthopedic surgeon.
Before I came to work he had a real bad infection in his jaw bone. And it bothering him and he needs to be seen by the doctor who did the operation on his jaw, which was a Otolaryngology 
But the appointment was originally for in pact ear wax.
Then the rest of the week I sure hope it our regular routine.

I also have Liz to do. I'm going to see if she possible want to do a crochet rag rug. She always want to do one.
So earlier today I cut out my strips and this one will be for my self.

I'm re purposing ole bed sheets. I picked two queen size sheet for $3.00 at a yard sale some time ago.
So I thought we can start doing a crochet rag rug.

I been cutting some of Murphy ole shirts he gave me. I been cutting them in 1.50 inches strips to do locker hook projects.

I briefly talk to Murphy about the week. One thing I brought up was the problem with the picture not being able to pull off my photos off my x D card.
I need to also go up and pay for my Internet and I was wondering if I should just take my lap top up there or let my niece Quincy try to fix it.
Anyhow we have quite a few Strawberries in my freezer and looks like we will be having bumper crop of strawberries. So we was thinking of giving Quincy the majority of them out of the freezer.
If she can't I will have to take it some place.
Murphy and I will have to stop in at our local bank and get proof of the check I wrote to pay our safely deposit box.
Our money and the safely deposit box is at two different banks.

I didn't keep track all that well on Fitday what I ate. So I feel it's for the best to keep my calorie count at 1,847.
And I'm still seeking donation for Daisy and there is a link on the right hand side of my blog. I'm matching up to $50

Coffee is on


  1. As much as we want to, there are some things we just can't fix for our children. Glad Bart is in good spirits.

    1. I know I can't do a darn thing about Bart it's like changing the weather.
      Coffee is on

  2. Hari OM
    Hiya Dora - back from my week without internet... it was kinda good, but golly I miss my etherpals! Keeping your Bart in thought and prayer and sending Love and hugs to you. It is always so hard to be the observer of others' strifes and know that we have no magic wand. YAM xx

    1. Thanking for having my son in your prayers

  3. Good to hear Bart is doing well, but sorry to hear Murphy has hip and jaw pain. hope something can be done about the xd card (SD?)
    Can you use up the frozen strawberries to make jam or strawberry tarts?

    1. It's an Xd card but that ok...My niece has a large family and she could use the berries

  4. No matter how grown up our children become we still worry about them, this is natural even though you know everything is OK.

  5. Worry is projecting bad things into the future. Think good thoughts.

  6. Stay positive. And BREATHE! Aloha!

  7. "oligodendroglioma" that is a mouthful! Even though you feel as though you're powerless there are still many things you can do. Being there, offering love, kindness and support are all very powerful things that are in your control. Try to focus on what you can do. You can make a big difference even when it seems the world is throwing all the punches.

  8. I am so sorry to hear about your son. I cannot begin to imagine how hard that must be. When my husband had cancer on the good days i trusted that everything would be fine; on my bad days i was a wreck even though I have God to carry me. I'm not sure whether pagans pray but I hope you find comfort. I will pray for your son and your family too.

  9. No matter how old our children are we do worry about them and they are in our thoughts, it is only natural. You are doing the right thing in giving Bart your hope, love, and support.

    I continue to send my thoughts and good wishes.

    All the best Jan


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