Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Lunch And How Much

I'm person who usual keeps my word. I told Regis I would go to what he calls club house. It more like group. But I call it the federation, why not.
Every so often they have a luncheon. Before I go out to any type of place to eat. I try to leave with a plan. One thing I figure this time around I'm going 7 or less item, and watch my portion.

Breakfast...B.L.T sandwich.
Lunch...Spaghetti, garlic bread, and jello with cottage cheese, and pears.
Dinner....Pork ribs, bake potato, and left over jello from lunch.
Snack graham cracker with peanut butter.
Some time on the treadmill.

Wish I could figure out what to do about my U.S.B port. Would like to show what I been working on but with this U.S.B trouble.
Looks like I will need someone to help me resolve it, hopeful it happen soon.

Did some cutting strips for my binding for the quilting I'm working on. I decide to use the fabric I been working on but I got small bit of brown from one of our local fabric stores.
I felt it need a little extra color for the binding.
Start cutting the yellow for the strips for the locker hook rug.

Got the paper organized to do our federal and Idaho state tax. On the federal taxes look like we will be in the 10% BRACKET. And looks like 7.40% is max state taxes here in Idaho.
But also I need to mention I have to pay SELF EMPLOYMENT TAX.
And there deduction which I'm aloud. Not sure what they are so I have account handle it. To mind bogging.
Paid quarterly though the year and paid about $2,400
I have to wonder what on President Taxes that was leak out. Only two pages was leaked out. Our income is not even close to his. Our taxes is 15 pages long.
It got me wondering what the other pages would reveal.
Don't mind paying my taxes. We need support our goverment program. But it seem like our here is lack common sense at time.

First puppy dog is Ms Boo is my grandpuppy dog and she in a contest "Poopin' in a Winter Wonder Land." Well she needs 6 MORE VOTES to make it to 500.
Then I'm also still trying to raise funds for Ms Daisy Teeth cleaning, and other vet bills. There is a link on the right hand side of blog "Daisy Teeth Cleaning" Remember each pay day I stick $20 toward her medical, and match any donations.

It nice with over cast. But this afternoon it was studly come down. I'm so ready for snow to go away.

Coffee is on 


  1. i hate doing my taxes. it's like i'm writing a test and being graded by the tax dept. they should just take their cut each payday and that's it.

  2. I'm not fully understanding about your USB port. I had one on my old computer that just quit working. My guru couldn't do anything about it. I hope that's not your problem.

  3. I tried to vote for Ms Boo but I couldn't find her. I hope you get that U.S.B. thing fixed soon.

  4. What exactly is the problem with the usb port? Do you have something on a usb stick and can't transfer it to the computer? Can you connect the usb to the computer at all?
    When I connect mine, a window with the list of usb contents opens up, then I highlight all the things I want to transfer, right click and from the drop down panel select " send to" and another panel drops down to select where you want to send your things, to documents or pictures. Then a progress window shows the progress of things downloading to the computer and when that is done you can unplug your usb and open the documents or pictures file to find your things.

  5. P.S. most laptops have more than one usb port, mine has three, so if one doesn't work try another. Sometimes the fault is in the usb stick.

  6. You asked if we lived closer to the Indian or Pacific ocean, Dora. We live right on the coast of Australia and it's the Pacific ocean side. The best side, although the people in the West probably wouldn't agree with that.

  7. I reckon I could survive on just three of the items in your menu and they all begin with the letter 'p'.

  8. I have n accountant do my taxes, too. Makes life a lot easier.

  9. I made another vote for Mr Boo Dora, hope he gets the other five. It was really easy to vote, i hope more of your readers do it. Good luck with the taxes, it's so shocking that your President doesn't have to show more of his, I bet they make interesting reading!

  10. Good idea on figuring out your meals in advance.
    I'm with you on taxes. I do not mind paying my fair share, I just don't want to pay a higher percentage than those that make many times more than I do.

  11. Looks like the American Health (Don't) Care Act is out of committee. I hope someone takes an ax to this monster before 24 million people lose coverage.

  12. It's still snowing? Hopefully you'll have spring soon. Good luck with your USB port. I wouldn't know what to do in that case.

  13. Tax forms are never fun to do!
    Good luck with completing yours - also I hope you get your USB problems sorted.

    Take care

    All the best Jan


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